
Sexual Health Awareness Month – September 2025

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There’s a lot that goes into the idea of sexual health and the observance of Sexual Health Month. The concept encompasses not only the physical aspects of sexual health, but the emotional side as well.

Sexual Health Awareness Month, celebrated each September, is a good time to assess our level of sexual health and to clear up any gaps in our knowledge. We’ve got some information that will help you get off to a solid start. Knowledge is power, and there are no dumb or embarrassing questions. With that in mind, let’s take a deeper look.

Sexual Health Awareness Month timeline

The world celebrated Sexual Health Day

The World Association for Sexual Health called for all their member organizations to celebrate World Sexual Health Day on September 4

Masters and Johnson

William H. Masters and Virginia E. Johnson published their seminal work, "Human Sexual Response," followed by "Human Sexual Inadequacy" in 1970

​The Kinsey Institute opened its doors

​Sex researcher Alfred Kinsey started his namesake nonprofit, officially named The Kinsey Institute for Research in Sex, Gender, and Reproduction. The institute pioneered the field of modern sexuality studies

How to Observe Sexual Health Awareness Month

  1. Celebrate World Sexual Health Day.

    Sexual Health Month also encompasses World Sexual Health Day on September 4. This holiday's theme is "Love, Bonding and Intimacy."

  2. Spread the news

    Let friends and family members know — via social media, which is the easiest way to spread information far and wide these day — that Sexual Health Month is here. As we often say, knowledge is power, and we want issues of sexual health to be discussed everywhere!

  3. Make sure you understand sexual health

    Sexual health encompasses mind, body, and spirit! Everyone should be knowledgable about sexual health, and it's important to advocate for education. Of course, that starts with ourselves, so make sure you're armed with the latest information.

​5 Sex Facts You Never Knew

  1. ​Condoms go way, way back

    Condoms dating from the 1600s — and made from animal membranes — were uncovered on the grounds of England's Dudley Castle in the 1980s.

  2. ​Is it the oldest sex statue?

    Archaeologists in Germany unearthed a stone-age figurine depicting a man having sex with a woman.

  3. ​Prostitution may just be the "oldest profession"

    ​Records from ancient Sumeria (c. 2400 BC) include the earliest documentation of prostitution as an occupation.

  4. Denmark is home to attentive husbands

    ​According to a recent study, Danish women are the world's most satisfied sexual partners.

  5. Best country for sex?

    According to another recent worldwide survey, Greece is the most sexually active country in the world.

Why Sexual Health Awareness Month is Important

  1. Sexual health is good for all of us

    We first start to learn about sexual health in so-called "sex ed" classes when we're young. Sexual Health Month can inspire us to make sure we're up to date on the latest info.

  2. Sexual health knowledge is sexy

    Few things are more sexy than intelligence. Sexual health is good for both the mind and the body, so let's make sure we use Sexual Health Month to increase our knowledge.

  3. Sexual health can be fun

    Sexual Health Month can inspire us to explore questions about ourselves with our partners. There are plenty of activities in which we can participate in order to celebrate this important topic.

Sexual Health Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 1 Monday
2026 September 1 Tuesday
2027 September 1 Wednesday
2028 September 1 Friday
2029 September 1 Saturday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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