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Self Improvement Month – September 2025

Self Improvement Month reminds us that we all need to improve — and we all need to care for ourselves. It’s an opportunity for us to assess how satisfied we are with ourselves and to take the necessary steps to become who we aspire to be. Note: The self-improvement industry, valued at nearly $11 billion in the United States, offers books and other products intended to improve personal, mental, and physical health.

Self Improvement Month timeline

​​February 29, 1960
​Tony Robbins birthday

​Robbins is perhaps the most recognized self-improvement "guru" of the modern era. Thousands attend his seminars at arenas around the world.

August 1958
Self improvement comes to television​

Dr. Joyce Brothers, a psychologist, began her own TV show — offering advice ​to viewers. Brothers also wrote many self-improvement books and was a syndicated advice columnist.

​October 1936
​Winning friends and influencing people

Dale Carnegie published "How to Win Friends and Influence People," the first widely read self-help book and one of the bestselling books of all time.

How to Observe Self Improvement Month

  1. Adopt an exercise routine

    It happens every year — the annual migration to the gym after the holidays to shed all that turkey weight. Why wait? Get a jump on the holidays and start an exercise routine or join a gym to be in tip-top shape before the holidays arrive.

  2. Read some books

    There are a million self-help books on the market that cover everything from work/life balance — to improving self-confidence — to managing relationships with family members and friends. Crawl up with a book or two that might introduce you to some new and helpful ideas.

  3. Volunteer

    People who volunteer are happier and feel volunteering gives them a sense of purpose. Identify one or two charities that align with your interests and commit to volunteering a few hours a week or month. You'll be helping them, and yourself.

​5 Self-improvement Facts And Figures

  1. Self improvement is big business

    The self-improvement industry, which includes books, magazines, seminars, and a host of other products, is worth $11 billion annually in the U.S.​

  2. Publishers love self help

    Self-help books account for 5.7 percent of all books sold each year in the U.S. ​

  3. Next stop: Mars (and Venus)

    "Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus," by John Gray, is the bestselling self-help book of all time, with more than 50 million sold.​

  4. Women outnumber men in the market

    Women make up 70 percent of the consumers who purchase self-help products.​

  5. The speaker circuit

    There are more than 5,000 motivational speakers on the road each year, some commanding as much as $50,000 per appearance.​

Why Self Improvement Month is Important

  1. It's an annual personal health checkup

    We can think about how to improve our mental and physical health. It acts as a catalyst for us to get better.

  2. It's self-empowering

    Only we have the power to make the choices that improve our lives, whether it's changing our diet or lifestyle, starting an exercise regimen, reading more books, or joining groups or clubs that expand our social circle.

  3. It's an industry

    The self-improvement industry offers many tools. These include life coaches and therapists, books, diet suggestions, and other products that help millions live better lives.

Self Improvement Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 1 Monday
2026 September 1 Tuesday
2027 September 1 Wednesday
2028 September 1 Friday
2029 September 1 Saturday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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Acne Positivity Day
American Chess Day
Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day
Building and Code Staff Appreciation Day
Cherry Popover Day
Chicken Boy Day
Chicken Boy Day
Emma M Nutt Day
Ginger Cat Appreciation Day
Martyrdom of Imam Hassan Asgari
Mouthguard Day
National Child Identity Theft Awareness Day
National Little Black Dress Day
National No Rhyme Nor Reason Day
National Tofu Day
Pink Cadillac Day
Slovakia Constitution Day
Uzbekistan Independence Day
Wattle Day
Wattle Day
West Indian Day Parade
World Letter Writing Day
Animal Pain Awareness Month
Attendance Awareness Month
Baby Safety Month
Bear Necessities Month
Better Breakfast Month
Blood Cancer Awareness Month
Blood Cancer Awareness Month
Bourbon Heritage Month
Bourbon Heritage Month
Childhood Cancer Awareness Month
Civil Service Month
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Classical Music Month
Disaster Preparedness Month
Festival of Learning Have a Go Month
Footy Colors Day
Footy Colors Day
Global Company Culture Month
Gynecologic Cancer Awareness Month
Happy Cat Month
Healthy Aging Month
Intergeneration Month
Irish Heart Month
ITP Awareness Month
Leukemia and Lymphoma Awareness Month
National Atrial Fibrillation Awareness Month
National Chicken Month
National Childhood Obesity Awareness Month
National Cholesterol Education Month
National Condiment Month
National Food Safety Education Month
National Guide Dog Month
National Honey Month
National Organic Month
National Papaya Month
National Peace Consciousness Month
National Pediculosis Prevention Month/Head Lice Prevention Month
National Peripheral Artery Disease Awareness Month
National Pet Insurance Month
National Preparedness Month
National Preparedness Month
National Recovery Month
National Save a Tiger Month
National Service Dog Month
National Sewing Month
Newborn Screening Awareness Month
Oddfellows Friendship Month
Organic September
Ovarian Cancer Awareness Month
Pain Awareness Month
PCOS Awareness Month
Pet Sitter Education Month
Prostate Cancer Awareness Month
Responsible Dog Ownership Month
Reye's Syndrome Awareness Month
Rule of Law Month
Save Your Photos Month
Self Improvement Month
Sexual Health Awareness Month
National Sickle Cell Awareness Month
Sickle Cell Awareness Month
Sourdough September
Sports Eye Safety Month
Suicide Prevention Month
Urology Awareness Month
Vascular Disease Awareness Month
Velociraptor Awareness Month
World Alzheimer's Month
World Animal Remembrance Month
World Candle Month
World Fun Fair Month
Yoga Awareness Month

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