
Velociraptor Awareness Month – September 2025

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Velociraptor Awareness Month, celebrated in September, is an interesting occasion that focuses on spreading information regarding the famous, super-fast dinosaur known as the Velociraptor. Yes, we all love to hear stories about the interesting creatures that once existed on our planet. And no matter how scary these dinosaurs were, there are several intriguing facts about the species that we all must know! This month, put it on your agenda to find out all you can about velociraptors, and why they became extinct. Get ready to dig up some history!

History of Velociraptor Awareness Month

Velociraptors are dinosaurs that existed 65 to 99 million years ago. The name comes from the Latin words ‘Velox’ which means ‘swift,’ and ‘raptor’ which means ‘robber.’ Wondering why the dinosaur was given such a name? Well, it’s because they are known to have been super fast — an ability that helped them catch their prey. Though Velociraptors were only six feet tall and weighed around 99 pounds, they were still considered dangerous as they used their tendons and large claws to slash prey apart. However, since they were not that large, their main prey included small herbivores.

The first fossil of the Velociraptor fossil was discovered by Peter Kaisen in the Outer Mongolian Gobi Desert. The researcher was on the first American Museum of Natural History expedition and was lucky enough to come across the great dinosaur who was later used as the nemesis of humans in several Hollywood movies. The fossil discovered by Kaisen included a crushed skull and a toe claw. The creature was named in 1924 by Henry Fairfield Osborn, then-president of the American Museum of Natural History. Previously, Osborn had named the species Ovoraptor, but in the end, the name “Velociraptor” was the one that caught on.

As more fossils turn up, scientists continue to reveal further details about the dinosaur. For instance, in 2011, scientists revealed that the predators were nocturnal, as the scleral ring in their eye was wide and would have let in enough light to help them see at night.

Velociraptor Awareness Month timeline

Digging Up History

The first Velociraptor fossil is discovered.

20th Century
Joint Mission

A Chinese-Canadian team discovers Velociraptor remains in northern China.

Reel Story

The Hollywood film “Jurassic Park” features the Velociraptor.

New Developments

A Velociraptor with quill knobs is found in Mongolia.

Velociraptor Awareness Month FAQs

What color are velociraptors?

The dinosaur species are brown.

Was the Velociraptor a real dinosaur?

Yes. It existed in central and eastern Asia.

Was the Velociraptor fast?

The Velociraptor could run up to roughly 40 miles per hour.

Velociraptor Awareness Month Activities

  1. Visit a museum

    To celebrate the month, visit a museum that displays the bones of several dinosaurs. This way, you will get to find out more about the diet of Velociraptors, why they became extinct, and other interesting details.

  2. Watch “Jurassic Park”

    If you want to see the Velociraptors in action, watch “Jurassic Park!” Better yet, have a marathon with close family and friends. But here’s a forewarning, you will hate how fast and vicious the Velociraptors are!

  3. Have a Velociraptor party

    Host a small gathering at your house and ask people to bake items that look like Velociraptors. This could include cookies, cupcakes, cakes, etc. Also, decorate your house using the same theme.

5 Interesting Facts About Velociraptors

  1. A large skull

    The Velociraptor’s skull was about 9.1 inches.

  2. Teeth in the upper jaw

    The dinosaur’s upper jaw had 13 to 15 teeth.

  3. Number of claws

    Velociraptors had four claws on each foot.

  4. Velociraptors had feathers

    Though they had feathers, they couldn’t fly due to their short arms.

  5. The short form

    Velociraptors are called "raptors."

Why We Love Velociraptor Awareness Month

  1. It’s informative

    We love the month because it provides us with ample information regarding Velociraptors, how they were discovered, and how they survived. Such information is beneficial for people of all ages.

  2. It’s fun

    The month is fun because almost everyone loves to find out fun facts about dinosaurs. Plus, who wouldn’t want to watch a Jurassic Park marathon with friends and family?

  3. Inspires people

    Months such as these are crucial because they influence kids at a young age and guide them towards their future careers. Numerous youngsters may be inspired during the month and dedicate their lives to the study of dinosaurs.

Velociraptor Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 1 Monday
2026 September 1 Tuesday
2027 September 1 Wednesday
2028 September 1 Friday
2029 September 1 Saturday
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