FriMar 21

International Day of Forests – March 21, 2025

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Roosevelt called them “the lungs of the Earth,” Robert Frost and millions of poets were inspired by them, and Sting is fighting to save them. We’re talking about forests. And celebrities aren’t the only ones who feel a strong connection with them. We all do. Just a simple walk in the woods can calm and invigorate our senses. In fact, the forests are so crucial to the future of our planet that the UN declared March 21 to be the International Day of Forests. For many years now, this amazing global celebration has been creating awareness all over the world about the importance of forests. They are one of our greatest natural treasures that we must preserve and protect.

When is International Day of Forests 2025?

International Day of Forests is observed annually on March 21 to celebrate forests and create awareness about the importance of preserving them.

International Day of Forests timeline

November 1971
World Forestry Day is Established

At the 16th session of the Conference of the Food and Agriculture Organization, the "States members" vote to establish "World Forestry Day" on March 21 of each year.

Year of Forests

The International Year of Forests is established by the United Nations General Assembly.

November 28, 2012
The U.N. Designates March 21

The U.N. passes a resolution to observe March 21 as the International Day of Forests.

The First International Day Of Forests

The world celebrates this important day dedicated to our Earth for the first time.

How to Observe International Day of Forests

  1. Plant a tree or start a victory garden

    Go ahead! Do your bit to make your city a little greener. Even buying a little plant for your home counts!

  2. Go hiking in the woods or a state park

    There isn’t a better time to get out, bond with nature and drive away those winter blues because spring has just begun.

  3. Make a leaf scrapbook

    A great activity for the entire family. Scrapbooking and recording interesting facts is a great way to teach children about the different type of trees and their importance.

5 Unbelievable Benefits Of Forests

  1. Forests nurture soil

    Forests play an important role in preventing soil erosion, as well as stabilizing and maintaining its quality.

  2. Forests trap carbon dioxide

    Forests are ‘carbon sinks,’ absorbing and trapping carbon dioxide.

  3. Forests provide sustenance

    Forests are home to millions of species, sheltering and providing food for their sustenance.

  4. Forests are natural aqueducts

    Forest trees absorb and redistribute an estimated 95% of water.

  5. Forests provide raw materials

    Sustainably managed forests provide raw materials such as timber and paper.

Why International Day of Forests is Important

  1. Forests are the lungs of the Earth

    Forests are like giant, green sponges all over the globe, through which our Earth breathes. Trees and plants take in carbon dioxide and give us oxygen, cleaning our air.

  2. The world needs wood

    And not just for construction, paper, furniture, etc. As the world’s population grows, with it the hunger for energy. Currently wood accounts for approximately 45 % of the world’s renewable energy supply. Encouraging and modernizing this industry can help find new and sustainable ways to produce bioenergy.

  3. Healthy forests mean a healthy environment

    Forests trap carbon to prevent global warming. They stabilize the climate, control atmospheric temperatures, protect watershed areas, regulate the water cycle, and enrich the soil. And that’s not all that forests do for our environment!

International Day of Forests dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 21 Friday
2026 March 21 Saturday
2027 March 21 Sunday
2028 March 21 Tuesday
2029 March 21 Wednesday

Let’s get social

Here are some special hashtags for the day.

#InternationalDayOfForests #DayOfForests #Forests #TreeHugger #EnvironmentalFriendly

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