
Fair Trade Month – October 2025

Want to sponsor Fair Trade Month? Learn more

Fair Trade Month is about supporting businesses that are fair trade certified. Fair Trade businesses seek to create a more equal international trade system through increased respect and transparency. This puts an emphasis on trading fairly with businesses from developing countries. During this month, Americans are encouraged to #FindFairTrade through stores in their own communities or by purchasing through Fair Trade partners online.

Fair Trade Month timeline

​The first World Fair Trade Day

​The first World Fair Trade Day was celebrated as part of the World Fair Trade Movement.

The first formal fair trade shop opened​

Ten Thousand Villages, a retailer, became one of the first trade shops in the U.S.

One of the first fair trade initiatives​

Sales Exchange for Refugee Rehabilitation and Vocation (SERRV) started trading with poor communities in the South. It's seen as one of the first fair trade initiatives in the U.S.​

How to Observe Fair Trade Month

  1. #FindFairTrade

    During the month, you are encouraged to #FindFairTrade and buy from those businesses. Search for a list of retail stores and online shops.

  2. Share fair trade resources

    The actual definition of fair trade is confusing to many. Share resources from the Fair Trade Federation on your social media page or in your community to help others learn.

  3. Become a fair trade federation member

    You can become a member online if you are a business owner. This membership comes with benefits like a business community, annual conference, and other leadership opportunities.

​3 Fair Trade Myths

  1. ​It's charity

    ​The relationships established as part of the fair trade movement are self-sufficient. Your money is not going to charity.

  2. It's more expensive​

    Most fair trade items are competitively priced with American goods that are also handmade.​

  3. ​It takes away U.S. jobs

    Most of the products and services offered through fair trade are not generally available in the U.S. or represented in the U.S. These products represent diversity, not replacement.​

Why Fair Trade Month is Important

  1. It supports a fair system

    The Fair Trade Federation endorses businesses operating under a higher standard of respect and transparency. This helps business owners and entrepreneurs in developing countries have a chance to succeed.

  2. It's about creating opportunity

    The fair trade system spreads this opportunity to developing nations and business people.

  3. It's adventurous

    Seek out new businesses that are Fair Trade certified and you'll stumble upon all kinds of international products that offer something you may not normally find.

Fair Trade Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 October 1 Wednesday
2026 October 1 Thursday
2027 October 1 Friday
2028 October 1 Sunday
2029 October 1 Monday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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