
National Audiology Awareness Month – October 2025

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National Audiology Awareness Month takes place in October. Noise pollution is worse than ever, and with our need to have earphones plugged in throughout the day, noise-induced hearing loss is a growing concern. Audiobooks, music, podcasts, calls, T.V. shows, YouTube videos, gaming, and more, the increasing ‘earphones on, world off’ lifestyle can have dire consequences.

History of National Audiology Awareness Month

The American Academy of Audiology (A.A.A) established National Audiology Awareness Month in 2008 to create public awareness of hearing loss induced by noise, and how to prevent and protect our hearing. The month-long campaign is a first step towards eradicating cases of impaired hearing.

The statistics are alarming. According to the National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD), 36 million Americans suffer from some degree of hearing loss. The difference in hearing is gradual, and as the patient becomes comfortable with increased decibels of sound, it may take between seven to 10 years for a person to seek treatment for loss of hearing. During this time frame, not only does the hearing worsen without detection, but other health ailments and psychological problems arise too, such as depression and cognitive impairment.

The American Academy of Audiology aims to advance research and studies in the field of audiology, as well as educate the masses about the importance of protecting their hearing. Throughout Audiology Awareness Month, events are hosted, reading material is distributed, and heavy campaigning takes place.

National Audiology Awareness Month timeline

Observance Begins

The American Academy of Audiology starts Audiology Awareness Month.

Side Effects

BioMed Central’s study shows that certain types of noise pollution can increase blood pressure.


The Bureau of Labor Statistics states that there are about 13,000 audiologists in the U.S.

Growing Figures

WHO estimates that 10% of the world population will have hearing loss by 2050.

National Audiology Awareness Month FAQs

What month is National Protect Your Hearing Month?

October is National Protect Your Hearing Month.

Is there a Hearing Awareness Month?

Each May we observe Better Hearing & Speech Month to raise awareness of impediments to speech and hearing and explore treatments for them.

Is October Deaf Awareness Month?

The month of September is designated as International Deaf Awareness Month.

How to Observe National Audiology Awareness Month

  1. Go offline

    Our “plugged in” lifestyles have taken over our routines, with few opportunities to go completely offline. Communication, entertainment, and learning are mostly done online, so make it a routine to disconnect and seek quiet environments to think and unwind.

  2. Advise others

    We have a whole month to practice noise reduction and advise others on following suit. If a family member or friend has started to speak louder than usual or listens to music loudly, it’s time to have an intervention.

  3. Get a checkup

    Schedule an appointment with a specialist and get your ears and hearing checked. It’s good to get a routine checkup and make sure everything is in working order.

5 Facts About Noise Pollution That Everyone Should Know

  1. Noise pollution negatively affects children

    A German study on kids living by an airport found that they developed a reading impairment and memory loss.

  2. Noise-induced hearing loss is preventable

    Noise-induced hearing loss is the only type of hearing completely avoidable.

  3. Household noise pollution

    Household noise pollution is entirely self-induced and can be reduced or altogether prevented.

  4. Loud noises can impede brain development

    Loud noises can impact a child’s developing brain.

  5. Noise pollution is mentally exhausting

    Irregular sleep patterns, fatigue, and a foggy state of mind are potential side effects.

Why National Audiology Awareness Month is Important

  1. It educates the public

    Hearing health care is unfortunately dismissed until a serious problem develops. And so many of us are so used to the sounds and loud noises around us that we don’t realize how damaging it is.

  2. Learning how to protect our hearing

    National Audiology Awareness Month is the ideal time to learn about noise-induced hearing loss — N.I.H.L. It also teaches us how to protect ourselves from it.

  3. It is important for the environment

    The hustle and bustle of our lives have not only caused strain on our health and natural habitats. Construction and development of cities and high consumption of goods have led to an increase in pollution, which contributes to noise pollution. National Audiology Awareness Month is important for assessing hearing but also the noise in our surroundings.

National Audiology Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 October 1 Wednesday
2026 October 1 Thursday
2027 October 1 Friday
2028 October 1 Sunday
2029 October 1 Monday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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