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Dyslexia Awareness Month – October 2024

Dyslexia Awareness Month in October aims to support those with this learning difficulty. Dyslexia is not a disorder of any kind; but is a learning impairment that causes problems with writing, reading, and spelling. The intelligence of dyslexic people is unaffected. This misunderstanding of the condition leads to stigmas, which Dyslexia Awareness Month aims to eradicate.

History of Dyslexia Awareness Month

In addition to raising awareness, Dyslexia Awareness Month helps society understand dyslexia better, which in turn helps those with it. Participating organizations and associations host events and create resources that share information with employers, teachers, and civil society. The material highlights dyslexia, its related issues, identification, and how everyone can make adjustments to accommodate dyslexics. The month gets a lot of attention in the media, demonstrating the plight of dyslexic people and what they face daily.

In 1877, German neurologist Adolf Kussmaul was the first to identify a phenomenon called ‘word blindness.’ And 10 years later, a German physician coined the term ‘dyslexia’ to describe difficulties in reading. Over the years, countless studies have researched dyslexia, concluding it isn’t a disability at all, but those with it think differently. In 2002, M.R.I.s done by professionals at Yale University found that the brains of people with dyslexia worked differently as compared to ordinary people. In 2005, a gene related to dyslexia was discovered by the team working at Yale.

Dyslexia Awareness Month timeline

Word Blindness

German neurologist Adolf Kussmaul coins the term ‘word blindness.’

The First Report

W.E. Bruner publishes the first report on reading difficulties experienced by children in the U.S.

The Word Becomes Commonly Used

The word ‘dyslexia’ is regularly used in texts and dialogue.

The First State Dyslexia Law

Texas passes state law making schools test students for dyslexia and assist accordingly.

Dyslexia Awareness Month FAQs

What color ribbon is for dyslexia?

Silver ribbons are generally used for dyslexia, promoting, educating, and expressing support.

Is there a National Dyslexia Day?

World Dyslexia Day is on October 8.

Is there a symbol for dyslexia?

The knotted silver ribbon is the symbol for representing dyslexia.

How to Observe Dyslexia Awareness Month

  1. Share your story

    If you or someone you know has dyslexia, share your journey with others. It will be truly inspirational.

  2. Attend an event

    Go to one of the many events hosted by the International Dyslexia Association (I.D.A.) across the United States.

  3. Learn about dyslexia

    Read and learn more about dyslexia. It is good to be aware and identify it and make things easier for dyslexics.

5 Facts About Dyslexics That Everyone Should Know

  1. The percentage

    Approximately 70% — 85% of children placed in special education for learning disabilities are dyslexic.

  2. They are more creative

    Dyslexics are creative and have higher levels of intelligence.

  3. Walt Disney was dyslexic

    Disney was diagnosed with dyslexia, which didn’t stop him from creating his massive empire.

  4. The right side of the brain

    Dyslexics use the right side of the brain more for processing information.

  5. The left-right conundrum

    Dyslexics don’t ‘see’ words backward, it’s the deficits caused by the interpretation of left and right.

Why Dyslexia Awareness Month is Important

  1. Dyslexics become more socially inclusive

    As dyslexia still carries a social stigma, Dyslexia Awareness Month helps eradicate these stigmas and make everything more inclusive for dyslexics.

  2. Awareness is important

    When people don’t know about something, they are confused and resistant to accepting it. Spreading awareness about dyslexia can help parents, teachers, and others identify dyslexia and become more understanding toward those affected.

  3. Learning from what we know

    Awareness leads to better leads and research methodologies, which will help researchers study the phenomenon better.

Dyslexia Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2024 October 1 Tuesday
2025 October 1 Wednesday
2026 October 1 Thursday
2027 October 1 Friday
2028 October 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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