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National Non-GMO Month – October 2024

October is Non-GMO Month, a chance to raise awareness about how choosing non-genetically modified foods can promote a healthy diet and sustainable agricultural practices. This year, the Non-GMO Project is partnering with Fairtrade America—two great non-profits that are working to build a better food system for people and the planet. To help them celebrate and promote their mission to fix industrial agriculture look for the non-GMO Butterfly and the Fair Trade farmer on all your favorite groceries. And tell your favorite grocery store staff how much you appreciate having the choice to vote with your dollars for a better way.

This year, the Non-GMO Project is paying particular attention to the essential role retailers have played during the pandemic: they’re sending out branded, organic cotton face masks to retailers across the country. The importance of transparency and labeling in our food system underscores the overwhelming need for the Non-GMO Project seal, solidifying the essential connection between the people who grow the food and the people who eat the food.

National Non-GMO Month Resources

The Non-GMO Project website has a ton of great resources to help you celebrate Non-GMO Month including an online shopping guide and mobile app; information on identifying GMO-risk products, and even meal plans using Non-GMO ingredients.

The Non-GMO movement has been featured in many award-winning documentaries that are perfect for viewing parties during Non-GMO Month. Check out the short-list below:

To learn more, download educational resources to print and share. Check out the Non-GMO Project’s Facebook and Instagram pages and join the conversation on Twitter.

Or pick up Non-GMO Project t-shirts, hats, stickers, and buttons at our online store. Every purchase spreads the word, supports their mission and brings us one step closer to a non-GMO future.

National Non-GMO Month Activities

  1. Find a participating grocery store near you

    Look for savings on Verified products, free educational materials, and special events. Support your local retailers by shopping at their locations, and thank them for being part of Non-GMO Month. Choosing Non-GMO Project Verified products has a positive impact on the entire food supply chain.

  2. Host or attend an event (safely, of course)

    Consider hosting a Non-GMO Month event in your town or check out your local store’s events. One powerful but simple idea: host a film screening at home or via video chat. Invite friends to watch any of the great films documenting the impacts of genetically modified foods, and serve Non-GMO Project Verified snacks.

  3. Find a participating grocery store near you

    Look for savings on Verified products, free educational materials, and special events. Support your local retailers by shopping at their locations, and thank them for being part of Non-GMO Month. Choosing Non-GMO Project Verified products has a positive impact on the entire food supply chain.

Why We Love National Non-GMO Month

  1. It promotes awareness and a healthier food system

    Protecting and building a non-GMO food supply is critical to preserving the biodiversity of our agricultural system. Responsible for North America’s most trusted third party verification and labeling for non-GMO food and products, the Non-GMO project also educates consumers and the food industry to help build awareness about GMOs and their impact on our health and food systems.

  2. It helps reduce the impact to the planet

    Industrial agriculture relies on substantial chemical inputs that cost mother earth dearly. Since the introduction of GMO crops, there has been a fifteenfold increase in the use of glyphosate. The Non-GMO Project works to counteract this scary trend.

  3. It keeps people informed of the ever changing GMO world

    Over 80% of conventional processed foods contain GMOs. With products created from new genetic engineering techniques flooding the marketplace, educating the public about new GMOs is a big part of what the Non-GMO Project does.

National Non-GMO Month dates

Year Date Day
2024 October 1 Tuesday
2025 October 1 Wednesday
2026 October 1 Thursday
2027 October 1 Friday
2028 October 1 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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