Unblocktober is celebrated throughout October. It is going to be a full-month-long cleaning campaign to clean our sewers, drains, and other water bodies. It is also the world’s first whole-month campaign for a cleaner future. Our modern lifestyle has some nasty leftovers that can pollute our environment and damage nature. This month is about making small lifestyle changes in how we dispose of waste materials like plastic, wet wipes, grease, sanitary napkins, condoms, bandages, etc. These waste materials can clog our waterways, sewers, and drains and cause ecological and economic damage. So start making small changes and save nature.
History of Unblocktober
A beautiful beach where there are no waste materials scattered all over the sand. That is a sight that is fast disappearing from our modern world. Our world is getting more and more dominated by waste and pollution with each passing day. The generation of waste is not a new problem; it is as old as human civilization. The first landfills started to appear around 3000 B.C. Waste management was an issue that haunted both ancient civilizations as much as it does modern cities. Improper waste management can also introduce deadly diseases like the bubonic plague, which killed around 25 million people.
The modern waste management system has even worse nightmares in the form of plastic and chemical waste. The increase in the human population has made it even more difficult for those in charge of waste management. To make the cities clean, sewers and drains were introduced to constantly remove waste from the city.
However, new age waste is causing issues even in waste collection. Microplastic waste and chemical waste can clog sewers and drainage systems. It can also lead to the creation of fatbergs that can be huge and weigh several tons. This harmful waste can also reach the oceans, where it can affect the important and delicate ecosystem of the ocean. Plastic does not decompose in water and would be there for centuries. It can adversely affect several marine life species. Unblocktober is a month-long campaign that was launched to address issues like this. It is a month to make small but important changes for a better future.
Unblocktober timeline
Mesopotamians uses the first sewer system to remove wastewater from various sites.
Athens, a Greek city, devises one of the first known regulations for trash management.
Alexander Parkes introduces Parkesine, the first manmade plastic, at the London International Exhibition.
The month of Unblocktober begins in October 2019 to act on the problems caused by waste management.
Unblocktober FAQs
How could fatbergs be prevented and destroyed?
Turning fatbergs into fuel is an effective way to make some good out of a bad situation. But it is always best to prevent these fatbergs from forming in the first place. Avoid pouring grease down the drain and flushing wet wipes.
Can you flush a tampon?
Not at all. Tampons can cause plumbing blockages that can lead to sewage backflow, which can result in a health hazard and expensive repairs. Collect tampons in facial tissue or toilet paper and put them into the garbage.
How much plastic is in the ocean 2021?
There are more than 363 billion pounds of plastic waste in the world’s oceans.
How to Observe Unblocktober
Pledge to change
Take a pledge to be responsible for waste management. Make sure you have a system to collect and properly process waste rather than just flushing it down the toilet.
Create a waste collection system
Create a systematic waste collection method to properly process the waste materials. Reduce, reuse, and recycle. Segregate organic waste from inorganic and plastic waste separately.
Find alternatives to synthetic products
Try to reduce the use of plastic materials. There are always eco-friendly options available to substitute plastic. It might cost more, but it will be better for nature.
5 Interesting Facts About Waste
Five Trillion plastic bags
Around five trillion plastic bags are made every year worldwide.
8.5 billion plastic straws
Britain alone uses around 8.5 billion plastic straws every year, and most of them end up in the ocean.
Below 3% recycled
Of all the plastic used all over the world, less than 3% is ever recycled.
More plastic than planktons
In the North Pacific Ocean, there is six times more plastic waste than there are planktons.
100-ton fatberg
The biggest fatberg found weights around 100 tons, equivalent to 13 African elephants.
Why Unblocktober is Important
Clean and smooth drainage system
Unblocktober is the month to prioritize cleaning our sewers, drainage, and other bodies of water of plastic and other chemical waste. Every year, thousands of people volunteer for the campaign, and the result is a cleaner world.
Less maintanance
The maintenance cost will be critically reduced with a clean sewage system and constant blockage will not happen, and the overall maintenance needs will be reduced. We are also creating a better waste collection system along with the same.
Reduce roadblocks
Every time there is sewer maintenance, traffic blocks will happen as the workers will have to open up the sewer system. The resultant loss of time and effort can be reduced with a cleaner sewer system.
Unblocktober dates
Year | Date | Day |
2025 | October 1 | Wednesday |
2026 | October 1 | Thursday |
2027 | October 1 | Friday |
2028 | October 1 | Sunday |
2029 | October 1 | Monday |