We have 12 holidays listed for November 5.
National Love Your Red Hair Day
If you are gifted with the world’s rarest hair color this is the day to celebrate!
National Redhead Day
It’s every redhead’s chance to shine with each gorgeous strand of their hair.
Bonfire Night
Bonfire Night, or Guy Fawkes Day, ignites the historical failed attempt to blow-up the Parliament.
Colón Day in Panama
Colón Day is a time to commemorate freedom and independence with the people of Panama.
Dev Diwali
Prepare to be dazzled by some illuminating facts and figures about Dev Diwali.
Gunpowder Day
Wondering how to best observe Gunpowder Day? We have some great ideas brewing.
National Advent Calendar Day
Get your shopping list ready — coffee, mugs, chocolate, and wine all make for a merry season.
National Chinese Takeout Day
Learn more about National Chinese Takeout Day right here with us at National Today!
National Stress Awareness Day
Don’t worry; everything will be OK! Just live in the moment and destress your life
World Tsunami Awareness Day
Be prepared to learn important and relevant information about tsunamis. It may save your life.