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National Gratitude Month – November 2025

National Gratitude Month is November and it is time to show some gratitude! Isn’t it amazing how something as simple as gratitude can give new meaning to life? Research states that people who practice gratitude every day are not only happier but also healthier. So if you were looking for reasons to be thankful, then these benefits should be just the motivation you need.

History of National Gratitude Month

Gratitude is the simplest way to change one’s perspective of the world. It allows us to appreciate the positive, rather than focus on the negative aspects of our lives. Learning to be grateful helps us appreciate the little things in life that we tend to take for granted, which brings about a deep feeling of satisfaction that fulfills and nourishes us.

National Gratitude Month was an initiative started by Stacey Grewal, who believes gratitude to be an essential ingredient of a happy and fulfilling life. When one embraces gratitude, they immediately shift their focus from the negative to the positive things in their lives.

Being always grateful does not mean that one would deny the fact that negative things happen in life (that will be delusional); it means finding and focusing more on the good. It means finding something to be grateful for amid the preponderance of bitterness and hardship.

Gratitude has been proven to generate a positive impact on psychological, physical, and personal wellbeing. Practicing gratitude or reflecting on what you’re grateful for is an effective way to deal with life’s chaotic, stressful and tense moments. Grateful people tend to sleep better, have lower stress levels, exercise more often, and eat healthier.

Coincidentally, Thanksgiving falls in gratitude month. On Thanksgiving Day, we celebrate gratitude. So if you are the kind of person who needs a special occasion to be thankful, then Gratitude Month is the encouragement you’ve been looking for.

National Gratitude Month timeline

World Gratitude Day

A Thanksgiving gathering at the International East-West Center in Hawaii marks the launching of the celebration of Gratitude Day on September 21.

U.N. Recognizes Gratitude Day

The United Nations Meditation Group requests a formal resolution to give recognition for World Gratitude Day.

New Branch of Psychology

The systematic study of gratitude within psychology begins, as Martin Seligman introduces positive psychology.

National Gratitude Month

November of each calendar year is proclaimed as National Gratitude Month, after submission by Stacey Grewal in August 2015.

National Gratitude Month FAQs

Can gratitude change one's life?

Gratitude makes one appreciate what one has, rather than what one doesn’t have. Gratitude can change one’s life because paying attention to the simple things in life can be a powerful source of inspiration.

Why is gratitude so powerful?

Gratitude is a very powerful exercise because it helps remind us of the good things that are already in our lives. All we need is to change the way we think. Change your focus from what you usually pay attention to and you can uplift your thoughts and your moods.

What can I put on my gratitude list?

There are countless things to be grateful for. Start with the little things; a warm cup of coffee, a good hair day, your pet, or a good night’s sleep.

National Gratitude Month Activities

  1. Start a gratitude journal

    Start a gratitude journal. It’s not something you have to buy from the internet; just a simple notebook would do. Write three things you are grateful for every day; it could be something as simple as a good meal or a beautiful sunset. When you look back at all the things you’ve mentioned in the journal, you will be able to reflect on all the great things you’ve been missing out on all this time.

  2. Spread gratitude

    Share gratitude with other people. Tell them how much you appreciate their services, care, friendship, etc. Show your family how grateful you are to have them in your life, let them know how they make your life better just by being a part of it.

  3. Give back to the community

    Show your gratitude and appreciation by giving back to the community. Helping out in the community is a good way to appreciate everything in life. So do your part and become something that others can be grateful for.

5 Important Facts About Gratitude

  1. Women are more grateful than men

    A national survey on gratitude found that women tend to be more grateful than men.

  2. Gratitude for better teamwork

    Gratitude makes you a better team player and could even help prevent athlete burnout.

  3. Gratefulness improves grades

    Grateful teens are more likely to get A’s in school.

  4. Materialistic people lack gratitude

    Research shows materialistic people are low in well-being, as they have less grateful.

  5. No gratitude at the workplace

    According to research people are less likely to express gratitude at work than anywhere else.

Why We Love National Gratitude Month

  1. Gratitude makes us healthy

    Gratitude improves our physical health. People who practice gratitude experience fewer aches and pains and they report feeling healthier than other people. This is because grateful people are more likely to take care of their health. They exercise more and take better care of themselves, which contributes to good health.

  2. Gratitude improves psychological health

    Gratitude helps in reducing harmful emotions, ranging from envy and resentment to anger and frustration. According to research, grateful people have higher levels of positive emotion which effectively increases happiness and reduces depression.

  3. Gratitude is good for relationships

    Showing appreciation not only improves existing relationships but can also help you win new friends. One study states that thanking a new acquaintance makes them more likely to seek an ongoing relationship. Not only does acknowledging other people’s contributions lead to better relationships; it does also lead to new opportunities.

National Gratitude Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 November 1 Saturday
2026 November 1 Sunday
2027 November 1 Monday
2028 November 1 Wednesday
2029 November 1 Thursday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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