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What is November 28th?

We have 15 holidays listed for November 28.

November 28 is the 332nd day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, the New York Stock Exchange re-opened after WWI, the Grand Ole Opry began broadcasting in Nashville, Tennessee, and the first pulsar was discovered. Famous birthdays include Ed Harris, Jon Stewart, and Friedrich Engles. November 28 also marks National French Toast Day.

National French Toast Day

The thick, sweet, savory dish that’s become a staple of the American breakfast diet.


Albania Independence Day

Keep reading to learn the history leading up to the Albanian Declaration of Independence.


Buy Nothing Day

An effort to combat the unethical and sometimes even dangerous mob shopping behaviors of Black Friday.


Flossing Day

Learn the history of flossing and why you need to floss every day.


Fur-Free Friday

Today we denounce our cruelty, in the name of fashion, to fur-bearing animals.


Maize Day

The time has come to unwrap and savor this gift of nature.


Mauritania Independence Day

Get ready to celebrate Mauritania Independence Day and learn more about this fascinating country!


National Day of Listening

There's something interesting for everyone to say or hear, so listen up!


Native American Heritage Day

Native Americans form the foundation of American culture, and that makes this day special.


Red Planet Day

We recognize the planet which has captivated human observers for countless years, Mars.


Sinkie Day

Are you a sinkie? This special day was created just for you!


Systems Engineer Day

Systems Engineer Day celebrates those who create computer systems and debug those with problems.


You’re Welcomegiving Day

We’re learning new ways to say “you’re welcome” on this exciting day!