We have 17 holidays listed for November 30.
St. Andrew's Day
St Andrew’s Day ranks as one of three major dates during the winter period.
Barbados Independence Day
Celebrate the independence of one of the oldest British colonies on Barbados Independence Day.
Bonifacio Day
Take the time to celebrate the national holiday honoring the Father of the Philippine Revolution.
Cities for Life Day
Celebrate your human right to live, and the end of the inhumane act of the death penalty.
Day of Remembrance for all Victims of Chemical Warfare
This day honors those lost to chemical warfare and encourages people to continue protesting against it.
Guru Nanak Jayanti
It is one of the most sacred festivals in Sikhism.
International Shift Worker Sunday
It’s time we recognize the shift workers who keep our communities thriving!
Meth Awareness Day
Spread the word and save a life or two from the fatal effects of this drug.
National Mason Jar Day
Celebrate the holiday by trying an out-of-the-box craft with your mason jars.
National Mississippi Day
National Mississippi day is a fun opportunity to celebrate the great state of Mississippi.
National Mousse Day
Put on your baker’s hat and surprise your loved ones with a glass of the fluffiest mousse.
National Personal Space Day
Change the way you show you care about people by learning about the importance of personal space.
National Stay at Home Because You're Well Day
You don’t need to call in sick or fake it; take a day off for being well.
Native Women's Equal Pay Day
Let’s learn more about Native Women’s Equal Pay Day and how to raise awareness.
Perpetual Youth Day
Rock and roll lives on, and this day makes sure the memory of Clark is long-lived.