WedApr 23

Army Reserve Birthday – April 23, 2025

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The U.S. Army Reserve Birthday is marked on April 23 every year to commemorate its contributions to the Cold War, the World Wars, Vietnam, Korea, the Persian Gulf, and many other similar wars and crises around the globe. This more-than-a-century-old federal reserve force has played a very vital role in U.S. military history. There are army reserve units in all 50 U.S. states, 20 different time zones across the world, and five U.S. territories.

History of Army Reserve Birthday

On April 23, 1908, Congress organized a group of 160 doctors to form the Medical Reserve Corps. Its goal was to equip the nation with a team of professionally trained medical practitioners in times of national emergencies. A month later, President Theodore Roosevelt, one of the greatest citizen-soldiers of the Army Reserve, signed the bill to be law. After that through the National Defense Act of 1920, the Organized Reserves for officers was created by Congress. That reserve force today is known as the U.S. Army Reserve.

It has specialized, trained, and skillful professional soldiers for use in times of war. The Army Reserve provides trained men to support leaders of the world at times of battle as well as support civil authorities in the U.S. Army Reserve has played a very important role during both World Wars, the Cold War, Vietnam, Korea, Persian Gulf War, and during conflicts with the Middle East concerning 9/11.

The Organized Reserve was formed immediately after World War I. At the time the military mobilized about 90,000 Army Reserve officers of whom one-third were doctors. This accelerated the cure for the sick and wounded. More than 70 units of the Army Reserve served during the Korean War. Similarly, combat support was provided for Vietnam, the Persian Gulf wars, and post-9/11 missions.

Army Reservists are not full-time members of the U.S. military and can pursue some civilian career while still serving their country. They have advanced professional skills, expertise, and education which adds fundamentally to the value of the force.

Army Reserve Birthday timeline

Medical Reserve Corps

Congress creates the Medical Reserve Corps.

National Defense Act

Congress reorganizes the Organized Corps to form Army Reserve under National Defense Act 1920.

Additional Financial Support Provided

Retirement and drill pay for Army Reserve is authorized by Congress.

Late 2020
More Than 150k Soldiers

The U.S. Army Reserve consists of about 188,703 soldiers.

Army Reserve Birthday FAQs

How old is the Army Reserve

The Army Reserve is celebrating its 114th birthday this year on April 23.

How long are you away in the Army Reserves?

In Army Reserve Basic Training, all soldiers must attend the same Basic Combat Training which is approximately 10 weeks long.

What month is the army's birthday?

The official birthday of the United States Army is held on June 14.

Army Reserve Birthday Activities

  1. Join U.S. Army Reserves' events

    Although it's not a federal holiday you will find bases and reserve units around you holding an event to recognize the services of its men and women. Join an event near you on this day!

  2. Find a reservist around you

    Reservists do not live on army bases. If you have some veteran group in your hometown it is not likely for you to find a reservist there.

  3. Start a hashtag

    Honor the Army Reserve by starting a hashtag #USAR114Birthday on Facebook, Instagram, and other social media accounts to create more awareness among people. Start an online conversation on this day.

5 Interesting Facts About U.S. Army Reserves

  1. They get subsidies and allowance

    Food for Reservists is subsidized and their travel expenses are also paid for.

  2. There is an additional reward for rejoining

    Ex regular officers, if rejoining as Reservists, can qualify for an additional reward of up to $10,000.

  3. They are awarded paid leaves

    Army Reservists are authorized to get paid leave when needed.

  4. Famous people have also served

    Alan Alda, who is popularly known for playing Hawkeye on the T.V. series “M.A.S.H”, was in the Army Reserve program during his undergraduate studies.

  5. Army Reservist becomes Miss U.S.

    In 2016 Capt. Deshauna Barber became the first service member to win the Miss U.S.A. title, she is currently serving as well.

Why We Love Army Reserve Birthday

  1. Broad age limit

    All citizens between 18 and 50 years of age are eligible to join the army as reserves. All it requires is will and love for peace and prosperity.

  2. Great way to serve people

    Army Reserves have fought in World Wars, the Korean, Persian Gulf, Vietnam wars and post 9/11 crises. They have been deployed in 30 different countries and all states of the U.S.

  3. They are the nation’s security

    Army Reserves are a very valuable and vital part of the military. They guarantee the nation’s security and safety at home as well as overseas.

Army Reserve Birthday dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 23 Wednesday
2026 April 23 Thursday
2027 April 23 Friday
2028 April 23 Sunday
2029 April 23 Monday