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SatApr 26

World Healing Day – April 26, 2025

World Healing Day is celebrated annually on the last Saturday of April, which is on April 26 this year. It is a day to involve ourselves in activities that promote the health of our body and mind; it is a day to love ourselves and take care of the health of others around us. World Healing Day began as Tai Chi Day, and later other holistic healing groups joined the day. This is a perfect day to learn and understand various forms of healing techniques. The activities for the day begin at 10 A.M. The activities are coordinated by “WorldHealingDay.org.”

History of World Healing Day

Our consciousness is everything to us. It can affect our biology, psychology, and physiology. But can it affect anything outside our bodies? It was once thought that our physical body was the limit to which our consciousness could reach. However, we were forced to re-evaluate in 1998 when the Global Consciousness Project began as a parapsychology experiment to detect the possible effects of global consciousness on physical systems. The project concentrated on mass events where a large number of people experience an emotional response to a set of world events. The project noticed that during events like the 9/11 attack or Princess Diana’s death, the physical performance of computers was affected.

The Global Consciousness Project has had critics all over the world questioning the methodologies of the experiments conducted. Various scientists are critical of the results and do not consider the project a breakthrough in our understanding of consciousness. Nevertheless, the project sparked the question of the effect of mass events concentrated on positivity. What could the effect be if the world population focused on the single intention of healing the world? That is the bigger picture behind World Healing Day.

World Healing Day grew from the concept of events, such as World Tai Chi. Tai Chi is a traditional Chinese exercise that involves a series of slow and focused movements along with deep breathing. The Tai Chi Club in Kansas City, United States, arranged a mass gathering to celebrate the healing benefits of Tai Chi in 1998. The media coverage of the event sparked global interest and World Tai Chi Day was born in 1999. Throughout the years, various other groups, like Qigong, yoga, and meditation groups, participated and slowly developed into a new global event called World Healing Day.

World Healing Day timeline

2696 B.C. — 2598 B.C.
The Origin of Qigong

The legendary Yellow Emperor develops the methods of Qigong.

200 B.C. — 500 A.D.
The Development of Qigong

Buddhism and yoga meditation techniques are integrated into Chinese culture, bringing a new era to Qigong.

The Roots of Tai Chi

Chen Wangting develops the art of Tai Chi from various martial art techniques from thousands of years ago, including Qigong.

Rising Popularity of Tai Chi

Classes in Tai Chi are taught to people across the United States in colleges, community centers, and gyms.

World Healing Day FAQs

Why is healing so important?

Healing is a way to revitalize the body and mind. Once we are healed, we will be more capable of helping others.

How does holistic healing work?

It is a synthesis of traditional and alternative medicinal practices that focuses on the entire body rather than only a specific part.

Is holistic medicine spiritual?

Holistic medicine comprises the union of numerous healing techniques. It does incorporate elements of spirituality.

World Healing Day Activities

  1. Practice martial art techniques with friends

    Yoga, Qigong, and Tai Chi are old practices that can create synergy between the mind and the body. Practice them with your friends to celebrate the day.

  2. Get plenty of sleep

    Having a good night’s sleep helps strengthen our immune system and controls stress and anxiety. Get an extra bit of shut-eye on this day.

  3. Create a list of all the holistic healing methods

    There are a lot of holistic health care methods that we are not aware of. Try to list them and incorporate them more into your lifestyle.

5 Facts About Holistic Healing That You Should Know

  1. Medical schools and holistic health care

    A C.N.N. study confirms that one-half of all medical schools globally offer holistic health care courses.

  2. The primary form of health care

    According to the World Health Organization, about three billion people use holistic medicine as their primary form of health care.

  3. Increase of herbal medicines market

    The global herbal medicines market will grow to reach an estimated $178.4 billion by 2026.

  4. Chiropractic care

    Chiropractors often work with other experts, such as physical therapists and neurologists, to create a more holistic treatment plan for patients.

  5. Music therapy

    Music therapy is considered to be a holistic treatment approach that helps regulate the mind-body connection.

Why We Love World Healing Day

  1. It’s a day dedicated to health

    Nothing is more important than our health. This is a day to concentrate on our health, understand our health care needs, and start working on them.

  2. Old traditions are important

    We love old traditions. Almost every activity on World Healing Day is a part of old traditions.

  3. It’s an opportunity to build new relations

    This is a day for everyone to come together to work on their health. It is a day we might meet new, like-minded friends from partaking in all these activities.

World Healing Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 April 30 Saturday
2023 April 29 Saturday
2024 April 27 Saturday
2025 April 26 Saturday
2026 April 25 Saturday