TueMar 25

National Michelle Shafer Half-Moon Cookie Day – March 25, 2025

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National Michelle Shafer Half-Moon Cookie Day is celebrated on March 25 every year in the United States. This day is to commemorate the life of Michelle Shafer, who committed suicide. Her memory is honored by eating her favorite cookies, known as half-moon cookies, on her birthday. A half-moon cookie is an iconic vanilla cookie topped with vanilla icing on one side and chocolate fudge icing on the other, creating the best of both worlds in one bite! This day is also a day of remembrance to celebrate the lives of loved ones who lost their lives to suicide.

History of National Michelle Shafer Half-Moon Cookie Day

A half-moon cookie is a baked cookie of chocolate cake, even though it can also be of vanilla, with a fluffy layer of actual frosting on top, with the same chocolate and vanilla demarcation in the middle. This cookie is said to have been invented in Utica by Hemstrought’s Bakery late in the 19th century, but the archaic form of the cookie and the iconography suggest the half-moon is much older.

The word ‘cookie’ is from the Dutch word ‘koekje,’ which is pronounced identically to its English version. It means ‘little cake,’ implying that the early cookies brought to the U.S. were mostly small cakes. Gingerbread men and macaroons are two other cookies from that era. Rather than being inspired by something from Utica, the American black and white cookies may have originated in the city’s own colonial days when this type of cake cookie was offered as a pick-me-up in the baked-good stalls of open-air marketplaces.

This cookie was transformed by the application of fondant rather than frosting. It simply makes it more modern and streamlined and capable of being broadly distributed without smearing the frosting. The image of the half moon remains since it is a medieval symbol representing the midpoint of the lunar cycle and is a modern reminder of New York City’s remote northern European past. Something interesting is that the moon also symbolizes Diana and the Virgin Mary.

Can you freeze half-moon cookies?

Yes, you can. You have to place iced cookies on a baking sheet in the freezer for one hour, then wrap them individually and store them in an airtight container in the freezer for up to one month.

How long will half-moon cookies stay fresh?

The cookies can stay fresh in a container at room temperature for about two days or up to one week in the refrigerator.

How many calories are in a half-moon cookie?

Half-moon cookies contain 240 calories per cookie. The other ingredients are 0.05 pounds of total carbohydrates, 0.05 pounds of net carbs, 0.03 pounds of fat, and 0.1 ounces of protein.

National Michelle Shafer Half-Moon Cookie Day Activities

  1. Bake your half-moon cookie

    A great way of celebrating this day is by cooking your own version of half-moon cookies. You can search for a recipe on the internet and start baking!

  2. Buy half-moon cookies

    If you are not into cooking, you can go to the nearest bakery and buy half-moon cookies. Almost every bakery has half-moon cookies in the U.S.

  3. Get your special someone half-moon cookies

    You can also buy or make half-moon cookies for your special someone. It can be an opportunity to show them some love and care.

5 Steps To Prepare Your Half-Moon Cookie Recipes

  1. Prepare the ingredients and hardware

    Be sure to have all the ingredients and cooking elements needed.

  2. Make the cookies

    Add ingredient by ingredient and be sure to follow the recipe step by step!

  3. Bake the cookies

    Once the cookies are ready, bake them for 10 to 12 minutes, then allow them to cool and remove them from the cookie sheets.

  4. Make the icing

    Combine all ingredients except the chocolate, and then separate into two portions and stir the melted chocolate into one.

  5. Finish the cookies

    Using a small knife or spatula, cover half of the base of each cookie with chocolate icing and the other half with plain icing.

Why We Love National Michelle Shafer Half-Moon Cookie Day

  1. Half moon cookies are delicious

    These cookies are delicious. The mixture of chocolate and vanilla can never go wrong.

  2. You can enjoy eating or baking them

    On this day, you can either stuff your mouth with the deliciousness of half-moon cookies or make your own version. Both are enjoyable.

  3. It’s a warm celebration

    Everyone enjoys a day of celebration accompanied by a plate of cookies. What makes this day special is that it can be enjoyed with friends or family.

Year Date Day
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