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TueApr 15

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day – April 15, 2025

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day is celebrated every year on April 15 across the nation. The glazed spiral ham is a unique twist on the widely known curated meat. Usually a part of holiday feasts, the glazed spiral ham is a magical indulgence that needs to be celebrated. 

History of National Glazed Spiral Ham Day

For centuries, meat carvers struggled to navigate their way around the ham bone. In 1952, Harry J. Hoenselaar saved the day. He devised a machine that skewers a machine on spikes at the top and bottom. Hoenselaar equipped the machine with a spring-loaded slicing blade that slowly cuts through the meat, stopping when met with resistance. As the meat rotates, the spikes create a unique spiral design on it. 


Hoenselaar was also the founder of the national chain, HoneyBaked Ham. Back in the day, these stores were the only sellers of the spiral-cut ham. Luckily for us, today you can buy this magical delicacy anywhere. 


Glazed spiral hams come in half or whole, boneless or bone-in packaging. They are either pre-glazed or contain the glaze in a bag. You could even opt to create your glaze. The butt end of the ham is leaner than the shank end. The glazed spiral ham has something for everyone (meat-eaters, of course).


This dish is commonly featured in big, holiday feasts. With its fascinating creation technology and uniqueness, it is an occasional indulgence that is welcomed with open arms. The glazed spiral ham is enjoyed during celebrations, and then creates the best leftover sandwiches the day after. Some may argue that these are better than the day-of ham. The glazed spiral ham is a beautiful invention and deserves a day to be celebrated fully. National Glazed Spiral Ham Day recognizes this fan-favorite on April 15 every year.

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day timeline

Harry J. Hoenselaar’s Ham

Hoenselaar files patent for spiral-sliced ham.

The Spiral-Slicer is Invented

Hoenselaar invents the spiral-slicing machine and files a patent.

HoneyBaked Ham Opens

Hoenselaar establishes HoneyBaked Ham in Michigan.

Spiral-Cut for the World

Hoenselaar’s patent for spiral-cut ham expires.

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day FAQs

What does it mean to glaze a ham?

Glazing means adding a glaze to enhance the flavor, texture, and color of the ham. The glaze can be made with a variety of ingredients.

What is a spiral cut?

The spiral cut is a technique where the meat is sliced in one continuous cut, preserving the bone structure.

Are spiral hams raw?

No, spiral hams are fully cooked. They can be warmed in the oven before consumption, but overcooking is discouraged. 

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day Activities

  1. Eat glazed spiral ham

    What better way to celebrate National Glazed Spiral Ham Day than to eat glazed spiral ham? Whether it is with your family and friends or alone, treat yourself to some sweet glazed ham and have a mini celebration.

  2. Make your own glazed spiral ham

    While most of our kitchens are missing the legendary spiral-slicing machine, this day can be an opportunity to make spiral ham. Try to find a recipe to recreate this delicacy with the tools you have, or you can just make a homemade glaze.

  3. Get creative with glazed spiral ham

    Outside of its original uses, the glazed spiral ham has the potential to support other dishes. This National Glazed Spiral Ham Day, try to create your unique recipe using the glazed spiral ham. This is the activity that gave us the leftover sandwich, after all.

5 Facts About HoneyBaked Hams That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Only the best make the cut

    Hams have to clear a 16-point quality inspection.

  2. Slow and steady process

    Hams cook on hardwood chips for a full day before being sliced.

  3. More than HoneyBaked Hams

    The store offers other meats and sides such as mac and cheese.

  4. Expert in sweetness

    Their desserts are just as loved as their spiral-cut hams.

  5. The miscuts

    Some stores sell unevenly cut hams at a discounted rate.

Why We Love National Glazed Spiral Ham Day

  1. It is the best of both worlds

    Sweet and savory deliciousness all in one? Yes, please! The savoriness of the ham with the addition of the sweet, yummy glaze is an unparalleled combination. What is not to love?

  2. It is a reminder of good times

    The glazed spiral ham is often a part of family gatherings or holiday feasts. By association, it becomes symbolic of good days, quality time, love, laughs, and celebration.

  3. It is a unique invention

    The spiral-cutting technique is revolutionary in the curated meat world. Meat carvers were stumped by bones before, and this limited what they could do with meat. This is no longer a problem and the options available in the processed meat world are more than ever.

National Glazed Spiral Ham Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 15 Tuesday
2026 April 15 Wednesday
2027 April 15 Thursday
2028 April 15 Saturday
2029 April 15 Sunday