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Gastroparesis Awareness Month – August 2025

Gastroparesis Awareness Month is observed in August every month. It was founded in 2016 by the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders (I.F.F.G.D.), which uses its platform to support the gastroparesis community by raising awareness, promoting education, and encouraging research. Its goal is to educate people about the symptoms, causes, and treatment options. The main reason for raising awareness is that the symptoms are quite common and easily confused with other diseases and medical problems, resulting in people not receiving the appropriate medical treatment promptly. Those affected experience a variety of gastrointestinal issues, which limit their physical activity and overall quality of life.

History of Gastroparesis Awareness Month

Gastroparesis Awareness Month takes place in August. This awareness initiative was first listed on the United States National Health Observances Calendar in 2016. It is sponsored by the International Foundation for Gastrointestinal Disorders. The observance aims to focus attention on treatment, diagnosis, and general health issues associated with this poorly understood condition. Gastroparesis prevents the stomach from properly passing food into the small intestine.

Gastroparesis — also known as delayed gastric emptying — is a medical condition characterized by weak muscular contractions of the stomach (peristalsis). This results in food and liquid remaining in the stomach for long periods. As a result, stomach contents move more slowly into the duodenum of the digestive tract. This can lead to poor nutrient absorption and poor glycemic control.

Gastroparesis has symptoms ranging from life-limiting to life-threatening. Some people call it having a paralyzed stomach: ‘gastro’ means stomach and ‘paresis’ means paralysis. Symptoms typically appear during or after a meal and can appear abruptly or gradually. Nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, feeling full while eating, early satiety, heartburn, and abdominal bloating are all symptoms.

Barium beefsteak meals, radioisotope gastric-emptying scans, barium swallow x-rays, gastric manometry, and esophagogastroduodenoscopy are all used to make a diagnosis. Dietary changes, treatments to stimulate gastric emptying, medications to reduce vomiting, and surgical approaches are all part of the treatment.

Gastroparesis Awareness Month timeline

Diabetic Gastroparesis is Discovered

Diabetic gastroparesis is first observed in type 1 diabetic patients.

Hospitalization Reaches New Heights

The number of hospitalized persons associated with gastroparesis increases.

Gastroparesis Awareness Month is Established

The I.F.F.G.D. establishes Gastroparesis Awareness Month.

Age Adjustment

On January 1, the age adjustment of gastroparesis per 1,000 people rises higher for women than for men.

Gastroparesis Awareness Month FAQs

How can you get rid of gastroparesis quickly?

Consume low-fat, high-fiber foods, change your eating habits, consume soft, well-cooked foods, instead of two or three large meals a day, eat five or six small, nutritious meals, stay away from alcohol e.t.c.

What are the most common reasons for gastroparesis?

Gastrointestinal viral infections, hypothyroidism, scleroderma and other autoimmune diseases are linked, the vagus nerve may be injured as a result of surgery on your esophagus, stomach, or small intestine, or certain nervous system disorders, such as Parkinson’s disease and multiple sclerosis, are linked disorders.

Is gastroparesis reversible?

Gastroparesis cannot be cured. It is a long-term, chronic condition that cannot be reversed. A doctor can devise a strategy to help you manage symptoms and reduce the risk of serious complications.

How to Observe Gastroparesis Awareness Month

  1. Create a strong support network

    Many people suffering from gastroparesis may feel isolated. Trying to get through everything without a support system can be extremely overwhelming, so do your best to create a support network for affected people around you.

  2. Study more about gastroparesis

    Collect facts and other useful information about gastroparesis from the websites of organizations that promote gastroparesis awareness. Make a list of the most useful information and share it on your social media accounts.

  3. Make yourself a drink

    Learn how to make broth. It can be extremely useful to have on hand when eating is difficult, and it contains a wealth of essential vitamins and minerals.

5 Important Facts About Gastroparesis

  1. Gastroparesis is nicknamed ‘stomach paralysis’

    Food becomes "stuck" in the stomach of people with gastroparesis because the stomach isn't as active as it should be.

  2. Quick refill

    Because food stays in the stomach longer in people with gastroparesis than in people with healthy digestive systems, gastroparesis patients frequently feel full soon after starting a meal.

  3. Diabetic gastroparesis

    Elevated blood sugar levels can cause nerve damage over time.

  4. Common medications can aggravate gastroparesis

    Medication cannot cause gastroparesis but it can make it worse.

  5. Undigested food can form a bezoar

    A bezoar, or mass of undigested matter, develops in about 6% of people with gastroparesis

Why Gastroparesis Awareness Month is Important

  1. Encouraging diagnosis and treatment

    Gastroparesis cannot be completely cured, but its symptoms can be managed through proper care and medication. Early diagnosis can improve treatment results.

  2. Celebrating the contributors

    Gastroparesis Awareness Week helps to highlight the efforts of organizations and medical professionals who have contributed to the research and diagnosis of gastroparesis. The week also aims to garner support and compensation for these contributors.

  3. It encourages people to pay attention to their health

    Gastroparesis Awareness Week motivates people, especially adults, to take care of their digestive health. People all around the world learn how to manage the symptoms and become motivated to make adequate dietary and lifestyle changes to prevent various digestive problems.

Gastroparesis Awareness Month dates

Year Date Day
2025 August 1 Friday
2026 August 1 Saturday
2027 August 1 Sunday
2028 August 1 Tuesday
2029 August 1 Wednesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat
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