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What is August 3rd?

We have 13 holidays listed for August 3.

August 3rd is the 215th day in the Gregorian calendar. In 1923, Calvin Coolidge was sworn as president after the death of President Harding. In 1949, the National Basketball Association was formed. In 2004, the Statue of Liberty reopened to the public for the first time since 9/11. Tom Brady, Martha Stewart and Ryan Lochte were born on August 3rd. It marks National Georgia Day, National Watermelon Day and International Beer Day.

National Sisters Day

Sisters have a deep connection that grows throughout childhood and remains strong throughout life.


National Watermelon Day

Bite into facts about everyone's favorite refreshing summer fruit.


American Family Day

This day celebrates the bonds that laid the foundation for our lives, be it blood or otherwise.


Big Forehead Day

Let go of those insecurities and focus on the beauty of your bold and beautiful forehead.


Clean Your Floors Day

Grab your mop and clean your floors on this Clean Your Floors Day.


Cloves Syndrome Awareness Day

Join us in raising awareness, funds, and support for patients with Cloves.


Fast of Ninth of Av

The Fast of Ninth of Av is a national day to mourn and pray for Israel.


Makira-Ulawa Province Day

Discover the Makira-Ulawa province and check out fun ways to celebrate this day.


National Grab Some Nuts Day

You won’t be surprised to hear that it’s a very nutty occasion.  


Pidjiguiti Day

Remember the fallen heroes of the Pidjiguiti massacre as we celebrate their invaluable sacrifice.


Psychic Day

This day recognizes the power of psychics and raises awareness about this ability.