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What is August 6th?

We have 13 holidays listed for August 6.

August 6th is the 218th day in the Gregorian calendar. In 1806, the Holy Roman Empire went out of existence. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act. In 1998, former White House intern Monica Lewinsky testified for eight hours in front of Congress. Lucille Ball, Leslie Odom Jr., and JonBenet Ramsey were born. National Root Beer Float Day and Fresh Breath Day are celebrated on August 6th.

Regatta Day

A holiday that depends on the weather.


Balloons to Heaven Day

Here's to never forgetting and hoping strengthened legislation prevails. Pledge to end gun violence today.


Bolivia Independence Day

Get your red, yellow, and green out because it’s Bolivia Independence Day


Celebrations of San Salvador

Celebrate the Divine Savior of the World with the Celebrations of San Salvador.


Farmworker Appreciation Day

Be ready to raise awareness about the importance of farmworkers on this special day!


Hiroshima Day

On Hiroshima Day, we remember one of the deadliest days in recent history.


Jamaica Independence Day

It’s Jamaica Independence Day! Prepare your black, yellow, and green apparel for this celebration.


National Fresh Breath Day

Avoid a social faux pas and check if your breath is minty fresh.


National Psychiatric Technician Appreciation Day

Let’s show our appreciation for those who care by celebrating the heroes of mental healthcare.


National Wiggle Your Toes Day

Show off your digits on National Wiggle Your Toes Day. Let’s see those piggies!


Sailor Moon Day

Calling all manga and anime lovers to celebrate International Sailor Moon Day.