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What is August 8th?

We have 27 holidays listed for August 8.

August 8th marks the 220th day in the Gregorian Calendar. On this day in 1899, the refrigerator is patented. The United Nations Charter was signed by President Truman in 1945. In 1974, President Nixon announced he would resign the following day. David Evans and Countess Vaughn were born on this day. It marks National Frozen Custard Day and National Sneak Some Zuccini into your Neighbor's Porch Day.

International Cat Day

A day to celebrate one of man’s most common and ancient pets.


Digital Nomad Day

In an increasingly online world, any corner of any city could be your office.


Dying to Know Day

Today is about fostering deep conversations about the one thing all humans have in common — death.


Happiness Happens Day

Happiness happens and see how you can make it happen today, on Happiness Happens Day.


International Allyship Day

Let's celebrate strength in unity and embrace diversity and differences to create a sense of belonging for all.


National Anne Day

Let us examine the compelling but often tragic history of well-known Annes.


National Braiders Day

Learn more about the cultural significance of braiding and the talented professionals behind the social art.


National CBD Day

Set aside a day of relaxation and enjoy our great facts about C.B.D.’s benefits.


National Dollar Day

Join us in observing a significant moment in the history of the United States.


National Frozen Custard Day

Get ready to treat your sweet tooth with this tasty frozen dessert.


National Melvin Day

Did you know that conflict brought the Melvin name to us? Read on to learn more.


National Mochi Day

It’s National Mochi Day, so indulge your taste buds with these sticky orbs of goodness.


National Perler Day

Get your Perler beads ready and let’s start creating amazing pixel art to celebrate this day!


National Pickleball Day

Put on your sports shoes and shorts, for it is time to play pickleball.


National Sneak Some Zucchini Onto Your Neighbor's Porch Day

Sneak up your neighbor’s garden path and leave a little surprise on this cheeky day.


National Tarantula Appreciation Day

Find out what tarantulas stand for as we highlight them on National Tarantula Appreciation Day.


Odie Day

Bring out your old “Garfield” comics because today, we celebrate Odie Day.


Peasants' Day

We celebrate all the hardworking farmers who ensure we have a healthy meal.


Raksha Bandhan

Rakhi, the sacred thread, represents love, faith, and understanding between brothers and their sisters.


Scottish Wildcat Day

Be ready to raise awareness about the importance of taking care of endangered species.


Shop Online for Groceries Day

Don’t move an inch, you are one click away from a checked-out grocery list!


Take a Penny/Leave a Penny Day

It's a day about change, and we're here to show you fun ways to celebrate it.


Top 8 Challenge Day

Step up your fundraising game for Top 8 Challenge Day with all our information.


Tu B'Av

Find out the historical significance of Tu B'Av and how it changed in modern times.


Wear Your Mother’s Jewelry Day

Proudly wear your mother’s heirloom to honor their legacy this Wear Your Mother’s Jewelry Day.