FriAug 8

National CBD Day – August 8, 2025

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National CBD Day is celebrated on August 8 every year. This is a day to celebrate and spread awareness about the usages and capacities of cannabidiol, a hemp-based compound that is touted for its ability to relieve pain and anxiety. It is also believed to be effective for movement and cognition-based disorders.

C.B.D. is not just useful for humans; it is also known to be useful for dogs, particularly dogs with epilepsy. While a lot of the benefits of C.B.D. haven’t been proved through clinical trials, anecdotal evidence indicates that C.B.D. has a lot of benefits for people and dogs alike.

History of National CBD Day

National CBD Day on August 8 every year celebrates the benefits of C.B.D. and spreads awareness about the many uses of this cannabidiol.

C.B.D. is a phytocannabinoid that can be internally consumed by people and dogs without any adverse effects. In fact, C.B.D. has gained popularity over recent years because of the way it has seemed to help a lot of people with myofascial pain and with mental illnesses like anxiety.

C.B.D. can be consumed in a lot of different forms. The most popular is C.B.D. oil, where C.B.D. is the only active ingredient. Other forms include C.B.D. dominant hemp-based oil, capsules, or prescription solutions. C.B.D. can also be inhaled through cannabis smoke or vapor, oral administration, or an aerosol spray into the cheek.

The high-quality evidence of the benefits of C.B.D. for neurological disorders is limited. But anecdotally, people with anxiety who have used C.B.D. have reported greater clarity, a sense of calm, and a greater sense of control. C.B.D. oil is also a popular alternative treatment for people suffering from muscular pain or chronic pain conditions. While allopathic painkillers and muscle relaxants come with adverse side effects like constipation and lethargy, using limited quantities of C.B.D. oil alleviates pain without too many side effects. This is not to say that C.B.D. cannot have side effects; it should be used carefully and moderately.

The F.D.A.-approved epilepsy drug Epidiolex is cannabidiol-based and has reported adverse effects like lethargy, sleepiness, adverse effects on the appetite, and gastrointestinal upset.

Since C.B.D. does not possess any T.H.C., it is not possible to be intoxicated by it. Nevertheless, strong controls are imposed, and all packaged C.B.D. must have less than 0.3% of T.H.C. to be considered C.B.D.

National CBD Day timeline

C.B.D. is Discovered

A phytocannabinoid, called cannabidiol or C.B.D., is discovered.

It’s Not an Intoxicant

Scientist Raphael Mechoulam investigates the structure of C.B.D. and concludes that it has no intoxicating properties, unlike T.H.C.

National CBD Day is Initiated

As the use of C.B.D. becomes more widespread, a day is set aside to celebrate this cannabidiol.

The Number of Users Grows

The number of C.B.D. users in the U.S. expands to 14% of the population.

National CBD Day FAQs

Is C.B.D. a drug?

C.B.D. does not have any intoxicating properties in the recommended doses.

Does C.B.D. cause liver damage?

Recent studies have shown that C.B.D. causes no damage to the liver.

How long does C.B.D. stay in your system?

C.B.D. stays in the system for about two to five days.

National CBD Day Activities

  1. Try some C.B.D. products

    The best way to celebrate National CBD Day is to try C.B.D. in a form you’re comfortable with. You can try it, especially if you have some muscle aches and pains that have been bothering you.

  2. Read up on C.B.D.

    There aren’t enough formal studies on this compound. You’ll need to read up on personal anecdotes and sift through them to figure out which kind of C.B.D. might work for your needs.

  3. Host a gathering of alternative therapies

    Celebrate National CBD Day by opening up discussions on alternative therapies that can be used instead of allopathic treatments. Include C.B.D. in the discourse.

5 Important Facts About CBD

  1. Research into cannabis started in the 1930s

    Robert S. Cahn conducted research into cannabinoids and cannabis compounds, starting in the 1930s.

  2. We have neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoids

    Called the endocannabinoid system, human beings have neurotransmitters that bind to cannabinoid proteins.

  3. Industrial hemp was legalized

    In 2014, the pilot growth of industrial-grade hemp was legalized in the United States.

  4. Epidiolex can be used for childhood epilepsy

    In the U.S., the F.D.A. cleared the usage of Epidiolex for children aged one and above.

  5. C.B.D. has been used in food and beverages

    From 2017 onwards, food and drinks infused or containing C.B.D. have been available on U.S. markets.

Why We Love National CBD Day

  1. We like being pain-free

    C.B.D. oil offers us relief from muscle pain and anxiety, and we prefer using C.B.D. instead of prescription painkillers. Although painkillers work, they can also be addictive or have adverse side effects.

  2. We want to help people try C.B.D.

    Spreading information about C.B.D. makes it more accessible to people who might really need it. It also makes it easier for people to understand which kind to use.

  3. We respect alternative therapies

    While the medical system is important, it doesn’t always have to be the first option, especially for muscular or mood disorders. Many alternative methods have proven to be successful, so why not try C.B.D.?

National CBD Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 August 8 Friday
2026 August 8 Saturday
2027 August 8 Sunday
2028 August 8 Tuesday
2029 August 8 Wednesday