SunApr 20

National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day – April 20, 2025

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We are celebrating National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day on April 20. We can celebrate Easter with a yummy dish of baked ham adorned with beautifully cut pineapple slices. National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day is celebrated on the same day as Easter every year. They are both celebrated on the first Sunday after the full moon following the March Equinox. Easter is best suited for this day since the tables will already be filled with delicious dishes that include ham. March to July is the peak season for a juicy harvest of pineapples, and there is no better time to celebrate.

History of National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day

There aren’t many people who don’t love the combination of the smoky, salty, and sweet tastes of ham. The same goes for the sweet, with a hint of sourness, and juicy pineapple taste. We believe the Chinese were the first to cure pork leg into ham in 4900 B.C. The popularity of ham rose around the world when Europeans started trading with China. Pineapples were already popular among the native tribes of the South and Central American forests. We believe it originated in the Brazilian forests. Pineapples became popular in Europe through colonization. It became a delicacy and soon spread throughout the world.

Easter is one of the most important days in Christianity. It is a day to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, after the crucifixion, on the third day. But there are a few other theories among historians regarding the origin of Easter. Some people believe that the origin can be traced back to pagan traditions and festivals. Historians believe Christianity incorporated various pagan traditions, cultures, and festivals to easily convert others to Christianity. Various Easter traditions also have similar backstories.

The Easter lamb was a prominent tradition where the devotees placed the meat of a lamb under an altar. The meat is then blessed and consumed on Easter day. This tradition has further expanded to include ham, eggs, cheese, etc. Decorated or colored Easter eggs and the Easter bunny are a few other traditions formed over the years. At some point in history, decorating ham, made for Easter, with pineapple slices became popular. It grew in popularity, and a day was born to mark the baked ham with pineapple.

National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day timeline

100 Million Years Ago
Evolution of Pineapples

The start of the evolution of pineapples as part of the Bromeliaceae family.

8500 B.C.
Domestication of Pigs

Wild pigs are domesticated in Europe.

4900 B.C.
The First Ham Preparation

The Chinese make the first ham from pork legs.

2 A.D.
The Start of Easter

The first records of an Easter celebration commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus.

National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day FAQs

Does pineapple make ham mushy?

Yes, pineapple contains bromelain, an enzyme that can tenderize the meat and make your cooked ham mushy. You can use canned pineapple to avoid this.

How do you neutralize pineapple juice?

Pair the fruit with any creamy dairy product like yogurt or ice cream. It will taste good and provide another protein for the bromelain, the enzyme inside a pineapple, to digest and help neutralize the pH.

Why does my tongue feel weird after eating pineapple?

The presence of bromelain is responsible for the tongue becoming irritated when eating pineapple. It can essentially digest the protein on the tongue, causing a tingling sensation.

National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day Activities

  1. Prepare ham with pineapples

    The name of the day is National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day. Prepare a dish of baked ham and decorate it with pineapple slices.

  2. Invite your friends

    There is no celebration without the people you love. Invite all your friends and family over for a delicious treat of ham and pineapples.

  3. Share the food with the poor

    When you prepare the dish, make a bit extra. Share the food with poor people in your community that cannot afford it.

5 Facts About Pineapples That You Should Know

  1. Three years to grow

    It takes a pineapple an average of around three years to grow into a plant.

  2. Single harvest at a time

    A pineapple plant can only produce one pineapple in a single season.

  3. Single plant for 50 years

    A pineapple plant can bear fruits for up to 50 years.

  4. Pineapples are berries

    Botanically, the pineapple is a berry.

  5. The world's largest pineapple

    The world's largest pineapple ever recorded weighed 61 pounds.

Why We Love National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day

  1. We love delicious food

    This is a day to celebrate food. We love food, and we love the combination of delicious food even more.

  2. It’s an occasion to celebrate

    This day falls on Easter, and we love celebrations. So this is a day for double celebration and doubles fun.

  3. Creativity, craft, and art blooms

    Making delicious food is a skill. Making delicious food and decorating it is an even more impressive art and we love it.

National Baked Ham with Pineapple Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 April 17 Sunday
2023 April 9 Sunday
2024 March 31 Sunday
2025 April 20 Sunday
2026 April 5 Sunday