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ThuMar 20

Great American Meat Out Day – March 20, 2025

The Great American Meatout Day, celebrated on March 20 every year, is a holiday that seeks to sensitize Americans and global citizens as well, to the health and environmental benefits of depending on other sources of food than farm animals. The holiday is heavily pushed and engineered by the Farm Animal Rights Movement which is a pro-vegetarian movement that seeks to protect the rights of farm animals and play their role in preserving them from the age-long culture of cultivating them for food. The holiday usually involves campaigns by the FARM to remind people to seek alternative food sources.

History of Great American Meat Out Day

The Great American Meatout Day is a pro-vegan holiday that has been championed by the Farm Animal Rights Movement (FARM) since 1985. This holiday aims to sensitize members of the public as to the environmental risks of regarding meat as such a high-demand food option, particularly as much of that meat is from farm animals. The Farm Animal Rights Movement is an international nonprofit organization working to promote a vegetarian lifestyle and the protection of animal rights through public education and sensitization.

The FARM seeks to ensure a society where animals are free from all forms of human exploitation, including, and particularly, food. The organization has a mission to prevent and protect the largest number of animals from being bred, abused, and slaughtered for food, as this accounts for 98% of all animal abuse and slaughter. FARM was established in 1976 as the Vegetarian Information Service which aimed at distributing information on the benefits of a vegetarian diet. It would then change identities again five years later in 1981 when it became the Farm Animal Reform Movement.

Great American Meatout was launched in 1985 in protest of the U.S. Senate resolution’s proclamation of National Meat Week. It has since grown into one of the world’s largest annual grassroots diet education campaigns. The March 20 date of the holiday is also the first day of spring, and as such, is symbolic of an opportunity to start a new chapter. The occasion is observed each year by hundreds of activists in the U.S. and 24 other countries. FARM encourages people to ditch the meat lifestyle and take the opportunity of the first day of spring to begin their vegan or vegetarian journey.

Great American Meat Out Day timeline

9th Century B.C.
Earliest Record of Vegetarianism

The earliest record of vegetarianism is in this century.

July 1, 1934
Alex Hershaft is Born

Alex Hershaft, the co-founder of FARM, is born on July 1.

FARM is Established

The Farm Animal Rights Movement is established.

Inaugural Great American Meatout Day

The first-ever Great American Meatout Day is established.

Great American Meat Out Day FAQs

What is the Great American Meatout Day?

Great American Meatout Day, observed on March 20 each year, is a holiday organized by FARM to create general awareness against the ills of heavy dependence on farm animals for food.

Are vegans healthier?

Yes. Vegans have been shown to have a better quality of life physically and in terms of favorable health than non-vegans.

Is meat bad?

Meat is not bad, as it is a very good protein source for the body. However, the exploitation that goes on in the background to make meat available on the market is bad.

How to Observe Great American Meat Out Day

  1. Eat a vegan meal

    In celebration of the Great American Meatout, it would be a reasonable option to eat vegan. You may just enjoy it!

  2. Donate to FARM

    You should donate to the Farm Animals Rights Movement to show solidarity for the work they are doing. Any amount helps.

  3. Post on social media

    Whether it’s a picture of you eating a vegan meal, or sharing facts about vegetarianism, be sure to post something on social media and use relevant hashtags! Start an online conversation on this day.

5 Interesting Facts About Vegetarianism

  1. It’s healthy

    Going vegan is one of the best things a person can do for their health.

  2. It’s environmentally safe

    By consuming more plant-based food, we ensure the ecological balance and keep the environment safe.

  3. The term ‘vegan’ was introduced in 1944

    The term ‘vegan’ was first coined by Donald Watson in 1944 after he founded the Vegan Society.

  4. Plant-based diets aid metabolism

    It has been said that eating plant-based foods increases body metabolism.

  5. Going vegan saves 30 animals a year

    For every year of your vegan journey, you save the lives of 30 animals.

Why Great American Meat Out Day is Important

  1. It promotes a good cause

    The Great American Meatout promotes a good cause. It promotes the protection of the environment and the preservation of animal lives.

  2. Eating vegan is eating healthy

    There are theories with proven results that individuals who consume more plant-based foods are healthier than those who do not. We love being healthy!

  3. It is cancer-proof

    Cancer is one of the most notorious killers out there. The good news for vegans is that veganism greatly reduces the risk of having cancer drastically.

Great American Meat Out Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 20 Thursday
2026 March 20 Friday
2027 March 20 Saturday
2028 March 20 Monday
2029 March 20 Tuesday