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FriSep 26

National Day of Praise and Worship – September 26, 2025

National Day of Praise and Worship is commemorated every September 26 by Christians around the United States. On this day, praise and worship songs are sung. Derrick Wallace established this day in the year 2020. Christian worship and praise are essential to the faith. On this day, people worship God in whatever way they can, whether by singing worship songs, painting a picture, or playing an instrument. They use whatever talent God has given them to praise and worship him!

History of National Day of Praise and Worship

Christian worship Music (C.W.M), often known as praise and worship music, is a designated genre of Christian music used in modern worship. With worship anthems based on modern melodies, the Taizé Community in France began to draw teenagers from various religious denominations in the early 1950s. Christian Unions in university settings offered evangelical speeches and provided biblical education for their members by the mid-20th Century, Christian cafés with evangelistic goals opened, and church youth clubs were formed.

The Bible, through Christian songs, communicated the idea that Christianity was neither outmoded nor unimportant by appropriating modern music practices. The Joystrings were one of the first Christian pop groups to perform Christian beat music on television. Some of these songs and styles were adopted by churches for corporate worship. The Jubilate Group issued Youth Praise in 1966, which was one of the first and most famous collections of these praise songs.

Many churches adopted songs like ‘Lord, I Lift Your Name on High’ and ‘Shine, Jesus, Shine’ as early as the early 1990s. Before the late 1990s, many people believed that Sunday mornings were reserved for hymns and that young people may enjoy their music on the other six days. Contemporary Christian music began to include contemporary worship music. Recently, songs have been exhibited on screens in churches. Vineyard Music, Hillsong Worship, Bethel Music, and others have all helped to spread C.W.M during the last 25 years.

National Day of Praise and Worship timeline

20th Century
University Christian Union

Christian Unions in university settings offer evangelical speeches and provide biblical education for its members.

The Taizé Community

The Taizé Community in France begins to draw teenagers from various religious denominations.

The First Praise Song

The Jubilate Group issues ‘youth praise,’ which is one of the first and most famous collections of these praise songs.

Sunday Morning Hymns

People believe that Sunday mornings are reserved for hymns.

National Day of Praise and Worship FAQs

What is a worship call?

In a church service, it is the first few phrases of prayer, which often includes a congregational response.

What is a praise and worship team's purpose?

Worship teams can coordinate musical, dance, theatre, and visual art as artistic forms of worship.

What is good worship?

Planned worship is good worship.

How to Observe National Day of Praise and Worship

  1. Take in some gospel music

    Because this day is meant to be used to worship and praise God, the greatest way to commemorate it is to do so. On this day, listen to praise and worship songs.

  2. Look for intriguing facts about Christian history

    Look up some intriguing facts about the history of your religion. There existed some form of belief system in ancient civilizations, and you might be shocked to learn that your religion has components from these beliefs.

  3. Make music your companion

    Celebrate by worshiping in whatever way you can today, as long as you're surrounded by music. Today, you can sing along with praise and worship songs and play an instrument.

5 Facts About Praise And Worship

  1. Statewide tour

    Hiley Ward, a religion editor of the “Detroit Free Press,” went on a statewide tour of Jesus People Communes and Houses in the late 1970s.

  2. A way of loving God

    One of the most significant ways of loving God is via worship.

  3. Singing is one part of worship

    On Sunday mornings, singing and worshiping God is only one part of worship.

  4. The heart of worship

    Surrendering your life to God is at the heart of worship.

  5. Campus crusade for Christ

    Bill Bright, the founder of Campus Crusade For Christ, was a great Christian leader of the 20th Century.

Why National Day of Praise and Worship is Important

  1. It depicts the history of Christianity

    Praise and worship have a lengthy history, going all the way back to the 1960s! Even though the National Day of Praise and Worship is only a few years old, it's fascinating to see how much Christianity has changed in the United States throughout time.

  2. It's a means of expressing gratitude

    Most people think it courteous to express gratitude to individuals who offer them a gift, make a kind gesture, or commend them. Thanking our heavenly father God for his bounties and kindnesses is expressed through praise and worship.

  3. It honors God

    It is a testament to God's greatness that we can magnify and focus on him despite our personal difficulties. Praise and worship is an opportunity for Christians to honor God.

National Day of Praise and Worship dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 26 Friday
2026 September 26 Saturday
2027 September 26 Sunday
2028 September 26 Tuesday
2029 September 26 Wednesday