MonApr 21

Easter Monday – April 21, 2025

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Easter Monday, falling on April 21 this year, is the Christian (public) holiday after Easter Sunday, which is the day when Jesus Christ emerged from the tomb after his crucifixion. Also known as Bright Monday, Renewal Monday, Wet Monday, and the Dyngus Day, there are different and interesting traditions surrounding the Monday that comes immediately after Easter Day. Although the Bible does not instruct the observance of this holiday, many Christian groups — primarily Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, celebrate this day as a legal holiday and part of their cultural tradition.

History of Easter Monday

Easter Monday is the last day of celebrations of the holy week before the working week resumes. It is a public holiday in many countries worldwide, marking the second day of Octave in Eastern Christianity and the second day of Eastertide in Western Christianity.

The first-known use of the term ‘Easter Monday’ began in the 15th century. The Monday after Easter that is observed on Sundays is a day of strong religious significance for Christians. While different cultures observe the day with different traditions, all the followers of Christ come together to celebrate the Messiah’s return to Earth in their own way. The Catholic Church likes to call it the “Monday of the Angel.”

 Following the Crucifixion and Resurrection from the dead, Jesus remained on Earth for 40 days, during which he appeared before the believers, healed the sick, and spread the message of God. Jesus’s acts also contributed to the first establishment of the church. It is believed Jesus ascended to the heavens after the 40 days following his Resurrection.

 The Easter Monday observance is not explicitly religious. Some Christian groups observe this day by having outdoor processions and parades. Some host and take part in Easter-egg-rolling competitions. For others, it is Wet Monday in which spouses and siblings wake each other up by pouring buckets of water on each other. Easter Monday is celebrated with fun traditions for one more day before the festival finally ends.

Easter Monday timeline

13th century
Easter Eggs Tradition

The tradition to decorate eggs for Easter begins.

Easter Parade

The Easter Parade tradition is inaugurated in New York City.

White House Easter-Egg-Roll Race

The first-ever White House Easter Egg Roll, which is a racing competition between kids pushing decorated, hard-boiled eggs on the White House lawn, starts on Easter Monday.

Easter-Egg-Shaped Candy

The jelly bean, an egg-shaped candy, becomes associated with Easter in the U.S.

Easter Monday FAQs

Is Easter Monday a global public holiday?

No. Easter Monday is not a public holiday worldwide. However, countries including Australia, Egypt, Ireland, Central Europe, Canada, and the U.K. observe this day as a public holiday. 


Why is Easter Monday observed on different days each year?

It is the Monday immediately after Easter Sunday. Therefore, on whichever day Easter Sunday falls in the year, it is observed on the next Monday. 


Is Easter Monday a holiday in the Bible?

There is no mention of Easter Monday in the Bible so it is not obligatory for Christians to celebrate this day specifically. Different cultures observe the day for different reasons around the globe.

How To Celebrate Easter Monday

  1. Join the outdoor processions and activities

    Take part in the Easter parades or the famous egg-rolling competitions symbolizing the rolling of the stone from the tomb in which Jesus was buried. Or join in the other festivities on this day that commemorates Christ’s death and resurrection, regardless of your culture or religion.

  2. Celebrate “Wet” Monday — literally

    Like some Christian groups, on this day, wet your family members, literally! Pour a bucket of water over the top of their heads or gather outside on the lawn with the hose pipe connected to a turned-on water supply for some splishy-splashy fun

  3. Revisit the Bible

    Cultural traditions shouldn’t detract from the message of the Gospel.

5 Facts About Easter Traditions That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. World’s largest chocolate Easter egg

    The world’s largest chocolate Easter egg was made in Italy in 2011 and weighed 7.9 tons.

  2. Easter Wet Monday

    In the Czech Republic, men throw buckets of water on women they find attractive on Easter Monday.

  3. Easter Bunny

    The first story of a hare hiding eggs in the garden was published in 1680, which sparked the custom of the Easter bunny in the United States in the 18th century.

  4. Do you also eat the ears first?

    59% of the people eating chocolate bunnies prefer to eat the ears first.

  5. The lily is the official Easter flower

    Representing grace and beauty, the white lily is recognized as the official Easter flower for this holiday.

Why Easter Monday is Important

  1. It marks the beginning of the Bright Week

    In the Eastern Orthodox community, Easter Monday kickstarts the Bright Week. This post-Resurrection week is the brightest of all where the holy doors of the sanctuary remain open to symbolize that heaven has been opened for all when Christ came back to life.

  2. It’s a springtime of playfulness

    Although largely ignored in the United States, Easter Monday is a day to spend outside with family, take part in fun games, go for a picnic, and enjoy the spring blossoms.

  3. We get to roll Easter eggs at the White House!

    Congress outlawed the tradition of rolling eggs at Capitol Hill back in the 1870s, so President Rutherford Hayes issued an order to allow the White House to host the beloved egg-rolling race again. The tradition has continued since then.

Easter Monday dates

Year Date Day
2022 April 18 Monday
2023 April 10 Monday
2024 April 1 Monday
2025 April 21 Monday
2026 April 6 Monday