SunApr 6

Jump Over Things Day – April 6, 2025

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Jump Over Things Day takes place on April 6 every year. The actual origin of this holiday remains unknown, as is common with many other weird holidays. However, Jump Over Things Day is a fun holiday simply dedicated to the act of jumping over things, animals, and people for laughs or as a form of exercise. So, other than just for the gags and fun that comes with jumping over stuff at home, school, or in the office, this day allows you to exercise your legs in simple ways. Just make sure not to hurt yourself or others while you’re at it!

History of Jump Over Things Day

Also called leaping, jumping is a form of movement in which a living organism — or sometimes, a non-living object such as a robot — propels itself through the air along a ballistic trajectory. Jumping differs especially from running or galloping because the entire body is temporarily airborne for a relatively long time and it requires a high angle of the initial launch. The primary form of locomotion in many animals is walking, flying, crawling, and running. However, animals such as the kangaroo use jumping as their primary form of movement. Other animals — such as frogs — only employ jumping as a means of escape from predators.

For humans, jumping is mainly used in exercises and sports like high jump, long jump, and show jumping. Jumping involves applying force against a substrate which is responsible for generating a reactive force that propels the jumper away from the substrate. A substrate is any solid or liquid (such as ground or water) that can produce an opposing force. Once a jumping organism loses contact with the substrate, its path of movement becomes parabolic. Hence, jumping organisms are rarely affected by significant aerodynamic forces. Rather, the launch angle and initial launch velocity determine the travel distance, duration, and jump height.

Other important factors affecting jump distance and height include the mechanical power (work per unit time) and the distance of applying the power — such as the leg length of the jumper and the muscles. There are five basic forms of jumping according to the manner of foot transfer. These are: ‘jump’ (jumping from and landing on two feet); ‘hop’ (jumping from one foot and landing on the same foot); and ‘leap’ (jumping from one foot and landing on the other foot). Others are: ‘assemble’ (jumping from one foot and landing on two feet); and ‘sissonne’ (jumping from two feet and landing on one foot).

Jump Over Things Day timeline

19th Century
The First Recorded High Jump Event

The first recorded high jump contest takes place in Scotland.

Nissen Invents the Trampoline

Gymnast George Nissen and his friends at the University of Iowa create their first trampoline out of canvas.

Breaking Olympic Records

American athlete James ‘Jesse’ Owens wins four gold medals in the sprints and the long jump at the Olympic Games.

The Fosbury Flop Debuts

American athlete Richard ‘Dick’ Fosbury popularizes the ‘back-first’ high jump technique at the Olympics.

Jump Over Things Day FAQs

Does jumping make you happier?

Just like every other physical activity, jumping over things or jumping on a trampoline can improve the circulation of clean oxygen into your brain and blood circulation in your body. This enhances mental alertness, improves mood, and can even boost self-confidence.

How far can a spider jump?

According to a 2018 paper in the ‘Scientific Reports’ journal, jumping spiders, despite their tiny size, can leap up to 6.3 inches.

Why do jumping spiders wave their legs?

Jumping spiders often wave their pedipalps — the leg-like protrusions on their head – to attract mates and to help capture prey.

Jump Over Things Day Activities

  1. Just jump over anything!

    Today, you can jump over just about anything you want — as long as it isn’t too high for you. This includes boxes, people, furniture, puddles, potholes, hurdles, and so much more. Just be careful not to hurt yourself!

  2. Invite your friends

    You can also ask your friends, kids, colleagues, or associates to join in the fun. You can up the fun with bigger and taller things to jump over, such as horizontal bars, a fence, park benches, or playground equipment.

  3. Throw a jump-over-things party

    If you’re really in for bigger fun, organize a jump-over-things party and give prizes to whoever can jump over the highest objects. You can try this at work, at home, or in any community you find yourself in.

5 Amazing Facts About Trampolines You Never Knew

  1. The term ‘trampoline’

    George Nissen named his invention after the moniker ‘Campeon de Trampolin’ — roughly translating to ‘diving board champion’ — which he was given while performing in Mexico.

  2. Trapeze artists inspired the invention

    Nissen and Larry Griswold, who created the trampoline, were inspired by trapeze artists and the safety nets they used.

  3. The first animal on a trampoline

    Nissen and Griswold rented a live kangaroo to demonstrate their invention in Central Park, New York City.

  4. Trampolining is an Olympic event

    Trampolining debuted as an official sport during the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney, Australia.

  5. Trampolining can improve eyesight

    Bouncing on a trampoline regularly can strengthen eye muscles and ocular nerves, enhancing optical health.

Why We Love Jump Over Things Day

  1. A healthy way to have fun

    Jumping is a great exercise. It’s good for the heart and eyes.

  2. Anyone can join in

    Everyone can jump over things. Kids, especially, will love to join in!

  3. Jumping is good for the core

    Jumping is also a wonderful physical activity. It targets the core and works some muscles in the lower body.

Jump Over Things Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 April 6 Sunday
2026 April 6 Monday
2027 April 6 Tuesday
2028 April 6 Thursday
2029 April 6 Friday