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FriMar 28

Virtual Advocacy Day – March 28, 2025

Being involved with the legislative process on Virtual Advocacy Day, which takes place annually on March 28, allows constituents to advance their collective agendas. Through virtual meetings with congress members and their staff, you can learn more about how the legislative process affects a cause that you and others in your state are passionate about. Join key stakeholders such as yourself to champion and advance legislation. Register for events close to your heart, send a letter to Congress, donate, or volunteer. Any method you choose to advocate allows your community to talk about and make visible changes about important issues.

History of Virtual Advocacy Day

To understand what advocacy means, we must first understand the Latin word ‘advocare,’ which means ‘to call out for help.’ Advocates have been there since ancient Rome and Greece when well-known orators took on the role of pleading someone’s cause or authored orations to do so. Roman lawyers and advocates like Cicero and Caesar were legendary.

It’s an important concept that Virtual Advocacy expresses: while influencing public policy is essential, lobbying in the digital and networked age is much more about influencing public opinion. Advocates must put in the time and effort needed to organize their efforts to achieve their goals. Advocacy is to guarantee that all people in society have the opportunity to speak out on topics that matter to them. Their rights must be protected and defended. You need to consider if their thoughts and desires are taken into account while making decisions concerning their lives.

Advocacy began as a way for people to express their moral convictions. Advocacy has changed dramatically throughout the years. Better people around the world who don’t have anyone with the power to offer and aid them can now get help thanks to a more organized effort today. More finance, more political support, and more influence are needed for advocacy to grow into something even greater than it already is.

Everybody has a responsibility to contribute in whatever manner they can in the face of global crises, thanks to the emergence of advocacy.

Virtual Advocacy Day timeline

First Appearance

It is as a noun that the term ‘advocate’ first appears in the English language.

The Salvation Army

The Salvation Army, one of the oldest advocacy groups is established.

The Red Cross

The Red Cross begins its operations this year.

Citizen Advocacy

The first citizen advocacy scheme begins in America.

Virtual Advocacy Day FAQs

Will I be able to meet with my elected officials?

Most likely, you will meet with a member of the House or Senate administrative staff instead, given the time constraints on elected officials. There is a direct channel of communication between the member and his or her congressional staff members. When legislators are making decisions, their aides give them the facts they need.

Can a minor attend a virtual advocacy event?

Depending on the event, when registering for some virtual events, you are asked to self-identify to ascertain if you are over the age of 18. A waiver may be asked for, so read the terms and conditions first.

What should be worn during a virtual advocacy meeting?

Even though the meeting is held virtually, it is important to dress as you would in a physical meeting. Business attire is a good way to go.

How to Observe Virtual Advocacy Day

  1. Share your story

    Personal stories have an unmistakable impact on people. Share your story with the world on this day to inspire others and effect meaningful change.

  2. Share your concerns

    Your legislators must be informed of your concerns. Your phone calls and letters will demonstrate to legislators how strongly their citizens support the cause in their state. Without speaking up, new legislation may not be passed and existing legislation may not be protected.

  3. Use social media

    Make sure you follow your local legislators on social media. You may also be able to sign up for their newsletters through their websites. A large number of legislators use these platforms to communicate their views on legislation, post forthcoming events, and engage with their constituents. You can also leave comments and ask questions on the platforms.

5 Ways You Can Advocate Virtually

  1. Through letters to the editor

    Raising your voice by writing letters to the editor is one of the numerous methods you may share your letter with the world, further increasing its reach.

  2. Via emails

    You can advocate virtually through emails that will reach your lawmakers.

  3. Through video testimonial

    Using video testimonials from advocates is a terrific method to tell stories of success, you can then post the messages you've recorded on social media.

  4. Social media

    Advocacy groups may encourage their supporters to use social media messages, infographics, hashtags, and/or profile images and banners as their own to demonstrate their support and assist spread their ideas further.

  5. Interactive site tours

    Community Charity organizations can use virtual site visits as a substitute for inviting members of Congress, their staff, or other representatives to visit their facilities and observe the mission in action.

Why Virtual Advocacy Day is Important

  1. It removes limitations

    Face-to-face or in-person advocacy can only be carried out by those who are physically present in the same room at the same time. As a result of these limits being removed via virtual advocacy, more people who couldn't participate in person before can now do so.

  2. It’s engagement with lawmakers

    The fact that it exists does not preclude advocates from communicating with lawmakers and their staff. This is always very important to drive beneficial change.

  3. It promotes diversity

    By bringing together people from all around the country, you can broaden the scope of your advocacy efforts and better represent the interests of your constituents. People who cannot attend due to several reasons, such as living with disabilities, can do so now and have their opinions represented.

Virtual Advocacy Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 28 Friday
2026 March 28 Saturday
2027 March 28 Sunday
2028 March 28 Tuesday
2029 March 28 Wednesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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