FriMar 28

Respect Your Cat Day – March 28, 2025

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Did you know today is Respect Your Cat Day? It’s the day to celebrate you and your feline bestie! Your kitty pal has been there when you were happy—your kitty pal has been there when you were sad. Your kitty has, and always will, be there for you. So, this March 28, acknowledge all the hard work your cat puts into being your loyal companion.

If you’re looking to treat your cat to something comfy and special then check out our list of the best cat beds on the market.

Respect Your Cat Day timeline

4000 B.C.
Cats Worshipped by Egyptians

Considered sacred by the ancient Egyptians, many pictures and statues of cats have surfaced through the millennia.

500 B.C.
Cats Revered by Chinese Aristocracy

The first cat was given to the emperor of China and quickly became a popular pet among the rich.

The Oldest Known Pet

French archaeologists discover a 9,500-year-old cat grave in Cyprus.

Cats Go Viral

The number of cat videos on YouTube tops 2 million, with the average views hovering around 12,000 — higher than any other category of YouTube content.

Respect Your Cat Day - Survey Results

Data insights gathered by a top Pet Marketing Agency:

37% of Americans say their cats “get” them better than most of their human friends. And it goes both ways—almost 80% of cat owners can understand what their cats are trying to communicate based on their meows alone.


2 in 5 Americans say they’d rather spend time at home with their cat than go out with their friends. And 1 in 5 Americans have taken it even further—they’ve used their cats as an excuse to get out of activities they don’t want to do.

Respect Your Cat Day Activities

  1. Spend some quality time with your cat

    Schedule some time with kitty. Go ahead, actually put it in your calendar. Our lives get so busy, but it's definitely worth taking some time to give your kitty some TLC. How else are you going to develop a strong bond with your best friend?

  2. Get your cat a new cat toy

    Sometimes showing your love is as easy as refreshing that catnip mouse or getting a new scratching post to replace the old beat-up one. You know she'll love it when you wave that ribbon wand around.

  3. Learn new ways to make your cat happy

    You knew that kitty likes a good scratch behind the ears, but did you know she also likes to play peekaboo with you behind the curtain? Find fun new games or places your kitty likes to be petted today, even if it takes a bit of experimentation. It's all in service of letting your cat know he or she is loved.

Why We Love Respect Your Cat Day

  1. Cats are intuitive

    Cats are empathetic pets who can sense emotions in their owners. They can feel when you're upset and show their love in many unique ways: following you around the house, being extra affectionate, or cuddling up more than normal.

  2. Cats are great with kids

    Despite some rumors, most cats are fantastic with kids. They let them dress them up, carry them around, and play with them to their heart's content. Cats and small infants are an especially fantastic combination, as they both love to take naps. What better furry napping companion could there be than a warm kitty?

  3. Cats are hilarious

    Cats pretend that they are so poised and highbrow, but they're just as silly as dogs. We think that's hilarious—especially when they make a mistake and pretend like nothing happened. Your cat totally meant to fall off of that chair! Cats are so quirky and funny—you can count on them always adding some humor to your day.

Respect Your Cat Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 28 Friday
2026 March 28 Saturday
2027 March 28 Sunday
2028 March 28 Tuesday
2029 March 28 Wednesday

Respect Your Cat Day Featured Video

National Respect Your Cat Day

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