WedMay 14

National Underground America Day – May 14, 2025

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National Underground America Day on May 14 revolves around cherishing the concept of societies living underground and thriving. Yes, we don’t only have to live on top of land — there is a lot more going on underground than you can imagine. Here is all you need to know about celebrating National Underground America Day.

History of National Underground America Day

Though the concept of living underground existed before, the topic gained national attention after Malcolm Wells founded National Underground America Day in 1974. Wells was an architect, writer, lecturer, and thought leader who worked in the architecture and design industry for years. After a while, he realized that Earth will only thrive once it’s rid of industrial plants. Since then, he began his mission of spreading awareness about underground living and the numerous benefits it holds. In fact, he made it a point to create an underground abode for himself, as well as his very own earth-shelter office space.

Malcolm Wells, who is also recognized as the “father of modern earth-sheltered architecture” today, endorsed underground living until the day he passed away. However, even after his death, his legacy remains and National Underground America Day is celebrated yearly to pay tribute to the thousands of people living underground in numerous parts of North America. Yes, believe it or not, many individuals prefer living underground than on top. This is because it has numerous advantages for human life as well as the health of the planet. According to Wells, building homes under the earth’s surface is “gentle architecture” — since it does not have a negative impact on the landscape.

National Underground America Day is celebrated to cherish the underground way of life, its architecture, and the numerous benefits that subterranean living has for the Earth. Though thousands across the globe are living underground, will this trend become more common in the near future?

National Underground America Day timeline

15,000 B.C.
Digging Away

Hunters in Europe build small round huts that are sunk into the ground.

8th century
A Whole New World

The Derinkuyu Underground City in Turkey is built.

A Safe Space

The British government builds the underground ‘Burlington Bunker.’

The First Underground House

The underground house called ‘Underhill’ is created in the U.K.

National Underground America Day FAQs

What does living underground mean?

It means to live below the surface.

Is living underground safe?

Yes. It is also the perfect protection from natural disasters.

Can we build underground cities?

Yes. If a proper plan and structure are devised.

How to Celebrate National Underground America Day

  1. Visit an underground home

    Visit an underground home and experience how life underground really is. The fact is, pictures or videos of underground homes are nothing compared to the real-life experience.

  2. Challenge children to an art competition

    Find out what children think living underground is like by asking them to paint their perceptions of it. You can also find photos of life underground and use this to educate them.

  3. Read up on how to survive underground

    The best way to celebrate the day is to research more on living underground so you become aware of all the advantages, disadvantages, and costs. Knowing everything about it may aid you in making a switch to living underground.

5 Fun Facts About Living Underground

  1. High rates

    Underground homes cost 20–30% more.

  2. Underground shelters in China

    21.5 million people in China are living in underground shelters.

  3. Meditating underground

    A house in South Korea has an underground meditation area.

  4. Changing sleeping patterns

    Humans can sleep for 48 hours in caves without natural light.

  5. No noise complaints

    Underground homes are soundproof.

Why Living Underground is Important

  1. Underground homes save energy

    Since the temperature underground neither gets too cold nor too hot, a great amount of energy is saved by eliminating the necessity for heating and cooling systems.

  2. It keeps people safe from natural disasters

    Living underground means you are immediately safe from natural disasters such as floods and tornadoes.

  3. It has no impact on the landscape

    Constructing a home underground helps in saving the beauty of the landscape, which is otherwise damaged by buildings and homes.

National Underground America Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 14 Wednesday
2026 May 14 Thursday
2027 May 14 Friday
2028 May 14 Sunday
2029 May 14 Monday