WedMay 14

Children's Day UK – May 14, 2025

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Children’s Day UK (NCDUK) is held every year at the beginning of summer with the eponymous organization deciding the date every year. This year, the day will be held on . The day is observed to stress the importance of having a healthy childhood and how we need to protect the freedoms and rights of children along with other young people. Not only is NCDUK a day of celebration, but it is also a wonderful opportunity for councils, local services, communities, hospitals, sports groups, schools, charities, families, and carers to raise awareness about projects they are working on or things they care about.

History of Children's Day UK

The United National General Assembly established children’s Day in 1954 as a day of worldwide fraternity and understanding between children. The Assembly recommended to different governments that the day be observed on a date and in whatever way each country considered appropriate. Many other nations celebrate the rights of children on November 20, which is the day nominated by the United Nations. However, the UK felt that it was really important that children in the region should be able to get outside into their neighborhoods and nature on Children’s Day. And so the organization chose to hold NCDUK at the beginning of the summer.

November 20 is considered an important date as it is the date in 1959 when the UN General Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of the Child. On the same date in 1989, the UN General Assembly adopted the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Since 1990, World Children’s Day is used to mark the anniversary of the date that the UN General Assembly adopted both the Declaration as well as the Convention on children’s rights.

National Children’s Day UK is a great way to celebrate this precious period of life. After all, we all have some great memories of us celebrating children’s day. But this is also a great time to reflect on the state of the planet and the kind of world children are growing up in. While children in the UK receive high levels of education and are in a safe place — there’s still a lot of work to be done.

Children's Day UK timeline

The First Children’s Day

Children's Day begins on the second Sunday of June after a Church in Chelsea, Massachusetts, holds a special service dedicated to and for children

The Day is Marked in Turkey

Children's Day is first declared a national holiday in Turkey.

The Day is Marked in Geneva

The World Conference on Child Welfare is held in Geneva and it hosts the very first International Children's Day.

The Focus on Children’s Welfare

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon of the United Nations leads the initiative for every child to be able to attend school by 2015.

Children's Day UK FAQs

How was Children’s Day created?

The origin of the holiday can be traced back to 1925 during the first World Conference for the Wellbeing of Children.

When is Children’s Day celebrated?

Many countries have kept to the original date and they celebrate it on November 20.

Why is children’s day celebrated in the UK?

It is celebrated to highlight the need for a healthy childhood to ensure they can become happy, caring and connected adults.

How to Observe Children's Day UK

  1. Get involved

    Organize events and run fun activities for the children in your family or your area so they can enjoy a special day dedicated just to them. You can make donations to local charities or donate to the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF).

  2. Raise awareness

    Use your social media handles to share information about the day. Get the message out there so more people can learn and get involved.

  3. Revive your childhood memories

    Did you have a favorite song or movie growing up? Today is the perfect day to binge-watch all your childhood favorites as well as blast those melodies.

5 Facts About Children In The UK

  1. Illiteracy still exists

    Some studies from 2014 show that one in five children in England cannot read well by the age of 11.

  2. There’s still work to be done

    By the final year of compulsory schooling in England, the reading skills of children from disadvantaged backgrounds are on average nearly three years behind those from affluent homes.

  3. There are mental health challenges

    Mental health issues affect around one in six children and can include depression, anxiety, and conduct disorder.

  4. There’s rampant obesity

    The UK has among the highest rates of childhood obesity in Europe.

  5. Cyberbullying is common

    Around one in five children aged 10 to 15 years in England and Wales experienced at least one type of online bullying behavior in the year ending March 2020, which is around 764,000 children.

Why Children's Day UK is Important

  1. Children are the future

    Our future depends on these young ones. We must ensure we are providing the best for them.

  2. It’s an important day

    It is a day when the country can speak out on the issues that matter to their generation. We get to call on all adults to create a better future.

  3. It helps children

    Having a day dedicated to them and knowing they are appreciated can be the confidence boost a lot of children need. This is then a catalyst for them to do well and live life to the fullest.

Children's Day UK dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 14 Wednesday
2026 May 14 Thursday
2027 May 14 Friday
2028 May 14 Sunday
2029 May 14 Monday