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SunDec 1

National Package Protection Day – December 1, 2024

National Package Protection Day, celebrated on the Wednesday following Thanksgiving Day, which is December 1 this year, seeks to encourage consumers across the United States to become more mindful about the packages they order during the holiday season. The more people raise awareness about this day, the more people will prevent their packages from being stolen, delivered to the wrong address, or lost in transit. And any financial loss due to these mishaps would be prevented.

History of National Package Protection Day

Ring LLC, a home security company that manufactures video doorbells, is the foremost promoter of this holiday, allowing users to detect outdoor motions, receive notifications when the doorbell is rung, among other security benefits. It is hoped that, with the sensitization this holiday brings, package theft will be reduced during the holiday sales.

Shoppers, knowing that e-commerce companies offer refunds for packages that either come defective or are not delivered at all, neglect to report incidents of theft to the police, hence leading to the rise of package thefts.

Daily, around 1.7 million parcels are either lost or stolen in the U.S., and this number increases during the holidays when people shop for gifts online.

Since 2019, several laws have been made against parcel theft all across the U.S.
Different states in the U.S. have different laws for parcel theft: In New York, for example, porch piracy falls under the Grand Larceny category, if the total value of the stolen parcel is more than $1,000. And in Texas, porch piracy isn’t considered a serious criminal offense and doesn’t involve jail time; It comes under Level Three Misdemeanor, and its punishment usually involves payment of a fine. In 2019, however, the HB 760 bill and the Defense Against Porch Pirates Act were passed, where package theft is considered a serious crime, with the possibility of a prison sentence.

In 2017, to protect the package of their customers, e-commerce giant Amazon began offering a service where deliverers could open the door of the recipient using a Digital Key. They also started a program where people could share theft videos with the police through security cameras.

Parcel theft is more common in countries where payments are made in advance and packages are left on the receiver’s doorstep. It is less common in European and Asian countries, where people prefer to pay after physically receiving the delivery of their order.

National Package Protection Day timeline

Porch Piracy Trends on Twitter

The term 'porch pirate' is used on Twitter for the first time.

The Day Becomes a National Holiday

The first National Package Protection Day is celebrated in the U.S.

Oklahoma House Bill 2777 is Created

Lonnie Paxton creates the Porch Piracy Act of 2020.

Georgia Passes a Bill Against Porch Piracy

The Georgia house makes porch piracy a punishable crime.

National Package Protection Day FAQs

What is porch pirating?

The term ‘porch piracy’ became popular around 2010. Theft of packages from the receiver’s residence is commonly known as porch piracy. Porch pirates usually steal packages of expensive items such as laptops, phones, and home appliances.

Is porch piracy a federal crime?

Current Law in the majority of U.S. states considers porch piracy a Level-Three Misdemeanor. Its punishment doesn’t involve imprisonment, and only a monetary penalty is imposed on the offender in most cases.

How common is porch piracy?

Porch piracy is a massive crime that mostly occurs during daylight hours.
Around 40% of porch piracy incidents in the U.S. occur in apartments and multifamily communities.

National Package Protection Day Activities

  1. Create a neighborhood watch group

    Having a small online group of neighbors is a great way to prevent parcel thefts in a neighborhood. Group members can receive parcels on behalf of those members who are not at home. When an unknown person is seen in the neighborhood, group members can stay alert and notify the authorities concerned, especially during the holidays.

  2. Read your local anti-porch piracy law

    Different states have different laws for porch piracy. Learn about the current laws for porch piracy in your state or city. Because of a lack of legal knowledge, majority of shoppers don't report to the police if their parcel gets stolen. This, in turn, encourages more robbers to steal parcels that are left outside people's doorway.

  3. Learn tips to avoid porch piracy

    Go through various blogs and articles about tips for preventing porch piracy. There are tips shared by shoppers online through which people can protect their parcels from theft. Getting a security camera installed and asking for a scheduled delivery are some of the best ways to prevent parcel thefts. Moreover, various shopping sites offer their customers the option to track their packages in real-time.

5 Facts About Online Shopping That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. World's biggest marketplace

    China's Taobao is the world's largest online marketplace.

  2. Amazon vs. eBay

    Amazon and eBay were launched in the same year.

  3. The best-selling product online

    Books are the top-selling product in online shopping worldwide.

  4. World's first e-auction

    The first item to be auctioned on was a laser pointer.

  5. America's pizza obsession

    Pizza was the world's first item sold online.

Why We Love National Package Protection Day

  1. Shoppers stay cautious when shopping online

    National Package Protection Day reminds shoppers to be cautious when shopping online, especially during holiday seasons. With the growing popularity of e-Commerce sites and holiday sales like Black Friday and Cyber Monday, it has become even more crucial to stay alert at all times and keep an eye on potential thieves trying to steal parcels left outside our homes.

  2. It compels lawmakers to make laws against porch piracy

    Porch piracy is a serious problem that prevents people from shopping for their favorite products online. Those who haven't shopped online before are often skeptical about shopping, for fear of porch piracy. Therefore, National Package Protection Day compels lawmakers and e-Commerce website owners to take appropriate legal actions and make laws against porch piracy.

  3. So that e-commerce websites don't suffer any monetary loss

    When a customer's parcel is stolen, the seller has to compensate for it through a full cash refund. This makes it hard for new e-Commerce sites to thrive and profit in the market. Through National Package Protection Day, customers are encouraged to be more cautious about their parcels when they are out for delivery. With this, buyers will experience less parcel loss and sellers less financial loss.

National Package Protection Day dates

Year Date Day
2021 December 1 Wednesday
2022 November 30 Wednesday
2023 November 29 Wednesday
2024 November 27 Wednesday
2025 November 26 Wednesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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