
Volunteerism Month (Philippines) – December 2024

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Volunteerism Month is observed every December in the Philippines. The Filipino people are some of the most hospitable and generous people you’ll ever meet. Their spirit of volunteerism is evident in all sectors, from nonprofits and corporations to the government and academic institutions. Participating in volunteer service for the development of society and the economy is something Filipinos take great pride in. It’s part of their heritage that lives on through the ‘Bayanihan,’ a tradition of helping each other to promote community, family, and society’s welfare. Their remarkable commitment and passion for volunteerism serve as an example to us all.

History of Volunteerism Month (Philippines)

In 1998, the Philippine government, through Presidential Proclamation No. 55, declared the month of December as their National Volunteer Month. The purpose was to create public awareness and appreciation. People should recognize the importance of volunteerism in the nation-building process. During this month, they encourage all members of society to participate in causes that support volunteerism. It is also a time to celebrate the people who volunteered in the year. This includes activities like advocacy and media promotion, launching volunteer programs, volunteer fairs, conferences, volunteer activities, and volunteer recognition. It’s a fitting end to a year’s worth of selfless service to the government and society. Volunteering is a crucial part of improving welfare for communities everywhere. Those who offer their time without expecting any reward in return deserve to be applauded for their efforts. People are the greatest resource of all, and they are the prime factor for development. Building a nation requires resilient citizens who are proactive, citizens who work together to lend a hand when needed.

Volunteerism Month is an opportunity for people from all walks of life to offer their skills, time, resources, and knowledge to others. This may come in the form of social services and outreach programs, peace-building initiatives, humanitarian aid, and technical or logistical support. International Volunteer Day, which falls on December 5 and was declared by the United Nations, is one of the notable events during Volunteerism Month.

There are volunteer opportunities available to Filipinos and international volunteers, There are international programs to make volunteering available to especially U.S. citizens. In the country itself, iVolunteer Philippines is an organization that aims to train Filipino volunteers.

Volunteerism Month (Philippines) timeline

The Y.M.C.A. Is Founded

The Young Men’s Christian Association is founded in London by Sir George Williams.

Rotary Club

American attorney Paul Harris forms the Rotary Club of Chicago.

The Peace Corps Is Born

President John F. Kennedy signs an executive order establishing the Peace Corps.

P.N.V.S.C.A. Becomes an Agency

Through Executive Order No. 365, the Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency is formed.

Volunteerism Month (Philippines) FAQs

What Is the purpose of P.N.V.S.C.A.?

The Philippine National Volunteer Service Coordinating Agency (P.N.V.S.C.A.) promotes and coordinates volunteer programs and services in the country.

Is volunteerism worth it in the Philippines?

Volunteering in the Philippines may help you jumpstart your career by providing essential workplace skills like communication, project management, teamwork, and problem-solving.

How can I volunteer for UNICEF Philippines?

Visit the U.N.V. candidate signup page and register your profile, or you can receive an offer to volunteer through their National Committees.

How to Observe Volunteerism Month (Philippines)

  1. Help at a soup kitchen

    More than 38 million people experience hunger in the U.S., and an estimated 12 to 21 million Americans rely on soup kitchens for their meals. Soup kitchens bring communities together. They provide an opportunity for those with resources to give back to the less fortunate directly and immediately.

  2. Volunteer at a homeless shelter

    It’s estimated that more than half a million Americans are homeless. You can always help out at your local homeless shelter. Even if it's just a hot meal and a welcoming smile, it will go a long way towards helping vulnerable members of your community.

  3. Visit a group home

    Volunteering at an orphanage or group home is one of the best ways to make an impact on the community. You’ll have the opportunity to give children and teens a positive experience. You can bring them toys and video games, read them stories, or just talk to them about their lives and future ambitions. It’s a deeply rewarding way to volunteer your time.

5 Amazing Facts About Volunteerism

  1. More than one billion volunteers

    There are over one billion volunteers worldwide, exceeding the number of unemployed people in six out of 10 most populous countries globally.

  2. 70% of volunteer work Is informal

    Most volunteers aren’t part of a larger organization, they are just regular community members coming together to help out in any way they can.

  3. Female volunteers outnumber men

    57% of volunteer work worldwide is done by women.

  4. 25% Of Americans volunteers

    25% of adult Americans are volunteers in some capacity.

  5. Young adults are least likely to volunteer

    Americans aged between 20 – 24 are the least likely to volunteer, as they’re still trying to build a stable economic base and are working full-time to raise their families.

Why Volunteerism Month (Philippines) is Important

  1. It feels good to give back

    Few things in life are as fulfilling as seeing someone’s face light up because you made their day just a little better. It feels good to help out.

  2. It’s the right thing to do

    Some may think it's too utopian or idealistic. Volunteering your time and attention to the needy and vulnerable is the right thing to do. If you were in the position of the vulnerable, you would be grateful for their kindness too. We should all strive to be our brother’s keeper.

  3. The world needs more empathy

    Despite living in a globalized world, in many ways we have become more selfish and insular than ever. The world needs more love and empathy.

Volunteerism Month (Philippines) dates

Year Date Day
2024 December 1 Sunday
2025 December 1 Monday
2026 December 1 Tuesday
2027 December 1 Wednesday
2028 December 1 Friday