
Wobbly Week – June 15-21, 2025

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Wobbly Week is a yearly activity observed on the week of June 20 and this year it will be marked from June 15 to 21. This week is set aside to raise awareness about nystagmus — a vision condition where the eyes make repetitive movements that may be voluntary or involuntary. This condition may be acquired in childhood or later in life, causing reduced vision and depth perception. The eye movements can be in any direction, and the exact causes of the disease are unknown. Wobbly Week is an opportunity for people with the condition and their families to raise awareness about the complexities of nystagmus and raise funds for research.

History of Wobbly Week

Nystagmus is a vision condition that causes the eyes to make repetitive movements. These movements may be side to side, up and down, or circular motion. While the exact causes of nystagmus are many and varied, fatigue is known to make the condition worse.

People with nystagmus tend to have reduced vision and depth perception. They can’t view objects steadily because of the involuntary movements of their eyes. People with the condition may move their heads or nod frequently to compensate for their eyes. There are different causes of nystagmus. It is usually associated with other eye conditions or diseases. People with early-onset nystagmus find it manageable and that it does not progress in severity over time. However, people with acquired nystagmus usually have more severe conditions. The causes of acquired nystagmus are often unknown. Possible causes include central nervous system disorders, toxicity caused by alcohol or drugs, trauma, stroke, or metabolic disorders. Due to various reasons, nystagmus in a patient can be benign or indicative of visual or neurological disorders.

There are several variations of this condition. Central nystagmus, gaze-induced nystagmus, peripheral nystagmus, positional nystagmus, post rotational nystagmus, and spontaneous nystagmus.

Wobbly Week timeline

The Hering and Lamare Record Eye Movements

Hering and Lamare observe and record the shifting of the eyes while reading.

The Dodge Pictures Eye Movements

Dodge takes photographic images of eye movements while individuals read.

The Study of Eye Stability

The attention of practitioners and researchers shifts to the stability of the eyes on fixation.

The First Wobbly Week

Wobbly Week is in November, and it’s the first of its kind.

Wobbly Week FAQs

Can nystagmus be corrected?

Acquired nystagmus can be corrected when the underlying condition is corrected.

Is nystagmus a neurological?

The most common cause of nystagmus is a neurological issue.

Can I drive with nystagmus?

You should check with your D.M.V., but if you meet the other vision standards, you might be able to drive with nystagmus.

How to Observe Wobbly Week

  1. Share information about nystagmus

    Share information about nystagmus with people. It is one of the most noticeable but least recognized eye conditions.

  2. Volunteer with the nystagmus network

    The Nystagmus Network works to support and raise awareness about the condition. Volunteer with them and show your support.

  3. Join the step up for nystagmus campaign

    Join the effort to raise funds by walking fifteen minutes every day and asking your friends and family to sponsor you. Raise money through this challenge for nystagmus

5 Intruiging Facts About Nystagmus

  1. It was considered untreatable

    There are treatments for nystagmus, but they are very recent developments.

  2. Albinism is one of the causes

    Infantile or early-onset nystagmus has varied causes, and albinism is one of them.

  3. Many blind people have nystagmus

    A lot of blind people wear dark glasses as they have nystagmus.

  4. It affects one in several thousand people

    Despite being a common condition, nystagmus is often misdiagnosed.

  5. It’s part of sobriety tests

    In the U.S., horizontal gaze nystagmus is part of sobriety tests conducted by the police.

Why Wobbly Week is Important

  1. We want to raise awareness

    People don’t know about nystagmus despite how common this condition is. We want to get people informed about it.

  2. We want to support people with it

    We think that nystagmus can affect people’s quality of life. We want to show our support and help people with the condition in any way we can.

  3. We want to help raise funds

    We think that with research, treatments and cures can be found. We want to fundraise and contribute to this research.

Wobbly Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 June 19 Sunday
2023 June 18 Sunday
2024 June 16 Sunday
2025 June 15 Sunday
2026 June 14 Sunday