October Holidays
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October 25th Holidays

We have 21 holidays listed for October 25.

October 25th is the 298th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day the People's Republic of China replaced the Republic of China in the United Nations; after 74 days on a hunger strike in Brixton Prison, England, the Sinn Féin Lord Mayor of Cork, Terence MacSwiney, died, and the Toronto Stock Exchange was created. Famous October 25th birthdays include Pablo Picasso and Johann Strauss II. Today is National Art Day and World Pasta Day.

Anniversary of Philippine Military Academy

Get informed about the military academy in the Philippines with our great article on this day.


Bandana Day

Discover interesting ways to observe Bandana Day and offer much-needed support to people with cancer.


Frankenstein Friday

Mary Shelley's creation spawned an entire genre, countless movie adaptations, and widespread recognition.


Global Champagne Day

Find out the history of champagne and how to celebrate this day with our help!


Hawke's Bay Anniversary Day

It marks the date when Hawke's Bay was separated from Auckland Province on November 1, 1858.


International Artist Day

Art as a creative human expression encapsulates myriad things.


National Breadstick Day

Breadsticks are slender sticks of baked crispy dry goodness invented in Italy.


National Chucky Day

Get your popcorn out and celebrate Chucky with all of the great information we have on this day.


National Fine Art Appreciation Day

Add to your collection of artworks and fill your heart with admiration for artists' creativity.


National Greasy Foods Day

Time to fire up the frying oil, chop the potatoes, and break out the napkins.


National Hope for Henry Day

Stay inspired and cheerful today. Don't let unfavorable life situations ruin your mood.


​National I Care About You Day

We honor our loved ones for no other reason but to tell them we are grateful.


National Pharmacy Buyer Day

We have some ideas on how to show love to those who source our meds.


Nevada Day

Explore the Battle Born State today in celebration of Nevada Day.


Punk For A Day Day

Wear black, get a fake tattoo, put on some punk music, and celebrate the day!


Simchat Torah

On Simchat Torah, Jewish communities celebrate the gift of the Torah.


Sourest Day

It's time for a sensation overload that will make your mouth explode.


Sŵn Festival

Let us celebrate this year's Sŵn Festival with amazing music, fun, and activities.


World Lemur Day

Join us as we celebrate lemurs and their place in the global ecosystem this World Lemur Day!