November Birthdays
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November 11th Birthdays

We have 18 birthdays listed for November 11.

November 11th is the 315th day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day the Palestine Liberation Organization confirmed the death of its longtime leader, Yasser Arafat; the General Synod of the Church of England voted to allow women to become priests, and Adolph Hitler was arrested in Munich on charges of High Treason. Famous November 11th birthdays include Demi Moore, Leonardo DiCaprio, and Fyodor Dostoyevsky. Today is Veteran's Day and National Singles Day.

Richie Rich’s Birthday

Eichhorn produced cosmetics under the PopuLuxe label that premiered during the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week.


Leonardo DiCaprio’s Birthday

Actor, producer, philanthropist… we can't wait to see what's next for DiCaprio.


Melody Holt’s Birthday

This licensed home-builder worked hard to achieve her goals and continues to inspire everyone around her.


Ava Jules’s Birthday

In the fashion industry, Jules has become one of the most well-known young stars.


Leighannsays’s Birthday

Leigh Ann's content is full of incredible tips and tricks and it’s why she went viral.


George S. Patton’s Birthday

General Patton was considered the most successful combat general in U.S. history.


Jacob Whitesides’s Birthday

It's amazing how this pop singer has evolved into an artist with some serious staying power.


Emma Gonzalez’s Birthday

A courageous survivor, they gathered up courage and stood up for what is right.


FaZe Jarvis’s Birthday

Young, talented and handsome, we cannot wait to see what FaZe achieves next.


Demi Moore’s Birthday

Beautiful, talented, and determined: A success story told and performed by Demi Moore.


Corinne Olympios’s Birthday

Corinne Olympios became a household name after making an impression on "The Bachelor."


Barbara Boxer’s Birthday

Barbara Boxer has spent 24 years working in politics, advocating for improved healthcare and social issues.


Victor Cruz’s Birthday

Cruz is immensely talented and he’s made his name as one of the best wide footballers.


Kurt Vonnegut Jr.’s Birthday

His literary career spans over 50 years and continues to thrive even after his death!


Vinny Guadagnino’s Birthday

He is handsome, charming, and talented! Vinny Guadagnino is definitely going places!


Abigail Adams’s Birthday

As a founder of the United States, this First Lady had an identity of her own.