
National Law week – May 16-22, 2025

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Law Week is an annual event conducted in Australia from May 16 to May 22 to increase public knowledge of the law and its role in society. Every year, the Law Society and its partners host a variety of events in Canberra to celebrate and engage the local legal profession, as well as to educate the general public on the function of attorneys in our society. It is intended to assist Australians in understanding their rights, locating answers to their queries, learning about accessible resources, and understanding how the legal system operates.

Running a National Law Week activity is a terrific opportunity to interact with your community while also providing essential and accessible knowledge.

History of National Law week

Although no history of the first National Law Week has been discovered yet, lawyers originally settled in Canberra in the late 1920s, and in 1933, when the economy recovered from the Great Depression, a small group of Canberra lawyers founded the “Law Society of the Territory for the Seat of Government.”

In 1940, the name was changed to “Law Society of the Australian Capital Territory.” Following a modest start, the post–World War II years were a time of rapid development, particularly in the 1960s with the expedited move of the Commonwealth public service to Canberra. With the expansion of the population, and therefore the profession, arose the necessity for a sophisticated regulatory framework akin to that of the neighboring State of New South Wales. The Commonwealth Government passed the A.C.T. Legal Practitioners Ordinance in 1970, which has been known as the Legal Practitioners Act since self-government. The Act granted the Society broad authority to govern the legal profession in the Territory.

With Law Society and its partners, they launched National Law Week in almost all of the Australian region. National Law Week is a national campaign to raise public knowledge and understanding of the law, the legal system, and the legal profession. Courts, legal organizations, solicitors, barristers, police, and, of course, public libraries are all urged to participate. It’s a fantastic chance for you to spread the word about Find Legal Answers’ resources and services in your neighborhood.

For National Law Week, the Law Society is once again providing a venue for people to come together, exchange experiences, and celebrate the profession’s excellent work. National Law Week will emphasize the profession’s crucial role in providing access to justice, inclusivity, and community service via a range of events and activities.

National Law week timeline

Settled in Australia

Lawyers first settle in Canberra.

The Recovery

When the economy begins to recover from the Great Depression, a small group of Canberra attorneys establishes the Law Society of the Territory for the Seat of Government.

First Essay Competition

Law week features a wide range of events, one of which is the essay contest, which is founded in the late 1970s.

First Victoria Law Week

For the first time, National Law Week begins, providing Victorians with an unparalleled chance to interact with the legal system.

National Law week FAQs

What is the purpose of a Constitution?

A Constitution is required for the following reasons: it is a major piece of legislation. It determines citizens’ relationships with governments. It establishes the concepts and norms that must be followed for individuals of diverse ethnic and religious backgrounds to coexist together.

What is the significance of the Constitution of Australia?

The Constitution specifies the makeup of the Australian Parliament, as well as how it operates and what authorities it possesses. It also explains how the federal and state legislatures share power, as well as the functions of the executive and the High Court of Australia.

How can you participate in National Law Week?

A drop-in information stand at your local neighborhood home or library, an informal question-and-answer session, obligation-free 40-minute legal consultations, or a webinar on a pertinent legal topic are all examples of National Law Week activities.

How to Observe National Law week

  1. Going to exhibition tours

    Each year during National Law Week, an exhibition on criminal justice and family law will be held in keeping with the topic. The organization largely collected together material, images, and artifacts for this exhibition, some of which will be shown to the public for the first time.

  2. Join Queensland legal walk

    You may walk with the crowds on the Brisbane waterfront, in your regional center, or at a nearby beauty site, or you can walk alone. Register for the Queensland Legal Walk now to honor the legal profession's dedication to access to justice!

  3. Participate in an essay contest

    The simple thrill of producing a piece of high-quality written work is one of the finest motivations to enter an essay competition. It's something you should be proud of, and rightfully so, essay contest not only improves your understanding of the law, but it also teaches you how to think.

5 Fun Facts About Lawyers

  1. A lawyer is different from an attorney

    A lawyer is someone who has studied and practiced law, qualified to provide legal advice, even if they are not practicing in court, whereas an attorney, often known as an attorney-at-law, is a lawyer who practices in court.

  2. First law school

    The first law school was established in 450 B.C, the legal school was established in Berytus, modern-day Beirut, Lebanon.

  3. Highest paid jobs

    According to the most recent data from 2021, attorneys are still among the top 20 highest-paid occupations in the United States.

  4. Highest paid lawyers

    Japan has the highest-paid attorneys, and an experienced lawyer earns an average of U.S.D. 145,000 a year.

  5. Nintendo character named after a lawyer

    Kirby is a Nintendo character named after John Kirby, a lawyer who represented them against a lawsuit brought by Universal Studio.

Why National Law week is Important

  1. We can understand our rights

    Recognize your legal rights. Under Australia's Constitution and civil rights legislation, everyone has basic rights. Learn more about your rights, how to exercise them, and what to do if they are infringed upon.

  2. Find answers to questions

    Find your answer here, A question that must be answered by applying relevant legal principles to the interpretation of the law.

  3. We learn how the legal system works

    You need to understand how Australia's legal system operates in a straightforward, accessible, and irreverent manner. The law has always been wrapped in a mystery, and to most of us, it appears impenetrable and enormously intricate, yet in today's society, our desire to comprehend it is fast increasing.

National Law week dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 16 Friday
2026 May 16 Saturday
2027 May 16 Sunday
2028 May 16 Tuesday
2029 May 16 Wednesday