January Birthdays
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January 13th Birthdays

We have 8 birthdays listed for January 13.

January 13th is the thirteenth day in the Gregorian calendar. On this day, British troops captured Fort Peter in St. Marys, Georgia during the War of 1812, the National Geographic Society was founded, and Emile Zola’s “J’accuse” exposed the Dreyfus Affair. Famous birthdays include Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Liam Hemsworth, and Orlando Bloom. January 13th also marks National Gluten-Free day and National Rubber Ducky Day.

Tre Brooks’s Birthday

This social media sensation has not looked back ever since he stepped into the spotlight.


Orlando Bloom’s Birthday

A talented actor with an incredible impact, Orlando Bloom is the best in the game!


Nique Nique&King’s Birthday

Her fans love her vlogs, whether as part of a duo or on her own!


Mike Majlak’s Birthday

This social media personality takes center stage on his channel on his terms.


Lori Harvey’s Birthday

This beautiful, confident Instagram star and model is making her way to the top.


Liam Hemsworth’s Birthday

Charming, charismatic, and competent are the traits this talented and successful actor embodies.