Make Your Dream Come True Day
TueJan 13

Make Your Dream Come True Day – January 13, 2026

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Dreams are the wings upon which we all soar through life, and this Make Your Dream Come True Day on January 13, we are fulfilling all of ours. This day is celebrated to encourage every person to make their dreams come true.

History of Make Your Dream Come True Day

We don’t know when this day originated or whose idea it was, but we do know about dreams. The ones that come as you sleep, and the ones that give your life a special meaning.

Ancient people often believed that dreams were messages from a higher power. In fact, the Ancient Egyptians believed this so much that they actually induced dreams to receive more messages. They would lie on special ‘dream beds’ in the hopes that a dream would give them advice, comfort, or even healing. Ancient people even practiced dream interpretation, if records are any indication. Ancient Sumerians, Babylonians, and various other cultures all kept records of religious texts featuring interpretations of various dreams.

The other kind of dreams, highlighting our hopes and wishes, are sometimes also called daydreams, although this umbrella is rather large. Dictionaries mention daydreams as being fantasies of hopes, dreams, and thoughts coming to life and experienced while awake, although in our heads. Multiple famous people across the ages have created masterpieces and new ideas while daydreaming.

Make Your Dream Come True Day timeline

2144 B.C.–2124 B.C.
Dreams Influencing Reality

The king of the Sumerian city-state of Lagash, Gudea, has a dream in which he is told to rebuild the temple of Ningirsu in his state; he heeds this dream’s advice and rebuilds the temple.

Lewis Carroll's “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland”

Reality merges with dreams in a vivid way in this children's tale; it becomes one of the most beloved and enduring children's books of all time.

Late 19th Century
Dreams and Wish Fulfillment

Austrian neurologist Sigmund Freud thinks dreams are simply a person's unconscious trying to fulfill wishes; he further says such unconscious desires are leftovers of childhood experiences or memories.

The Most Recognizable Mouse in The World

Walt Disney dreams up a cartoon character — Mickey Mouse — that is arguably the most famous ever, at a time when his fortunes are dwindling dangerously, and goes on to create an empire that is globally recognizable.

Make Your Dream Come True Day FAQs

Who said, “The best way to make dreams come true is to wake up”?

Ambroise Paul Toussaint Jules Valéry, a French poet, essayist, and philosopher is known for saying this phrase.

What is another way to say “dream come true”?

Other ways to phrase “dream come true” are “dream realized,” “better than one’s wildest dreams,” “from vision to reality,” or “wish granted”.

How do you make your dreams come true overnight?

While this also depends on the kind of dream you envision, having a clear goal, a positive mindset, a strong determination to succeed, and a little luck will definitely help you achieve your dreams, if not overnight, then in due course.

How To Celebrate Make Your Dream Come True Day

  1. Identify your dreams

    Everyone has them. But the main question is, what dream do you consider most important. Figure that out, and then...

  2. Plan to achieve your dreams

    Whether you want to climb Mount Everest, visit Kenya, or simply learn to bake, a dream is still a dream. Make a goal and plan a strategy to achieve your fondest desire. Finally, you really should…

  3. Talk to people who have achieved their dreams

    There must be someone you know who has made their wishes and dreams come true. Someone that motivated and inspired you. Chat with them to figure out how they made their dreams come true and draw inspiration from their stories.

5 People Who Made Their Dreams Come True

  1. Gabriel Nobre

    Nobre cleaned the premises of a preparatory course for free in exchange for their help in passing Brazil’s famously difficult university entrance exam; of course, he passed this exam with flying colors.

  2. Jim Carrey

    He quit school at 15 and worked as a janitor; his talent got him noticed and he is now one of Hollywood's most loved actors.

  3. Dhirubhai Ambani

    He spoke about wanting to own a Mercedes when he was a simple gas station worker; years later, he founded one of India's biggest business empires and was the proud owner of multiple luxury cars, including a Mercedes.

  4. J.K. Rowling

    She went from being unemployed to a very famous writer and personality, all because she never gave up on her passion for writing.

  5. Kalpana Chawla

    She took her fascination for airplanes and flying and turned it into an illustrious career; she became an astronaut employed by NASA.

Why We Love Make Your Dream Come True Day

  1. We need to dream

    Big, small, and everything in between, we need dreams and wishes to aspire to. Some dreams even inspire us and make our lives better.

  2. We prove something to ourselves

    We owe it to ourselves to make something of our dreams instead of simply keeping it in the back of our minds. Work towards achieving yours today!

  3. We encourage others to dream too

    Our participation in Make Your Dream Come True Day might be just the push someone else needs to make their dreams come true too. Sometimes, all it takes is a little encouragement.

Make Your Dream Come True Day dates

Year Date Day
2026 January 13 Tuesday
2027 January 13 Wednesday
2028 January 13 Thursday
2029 January 13 Saturday
2030 January 13 Sunday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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