SunSep 21

International Day of Peace – September 21, 2025

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The International Day of Peace (or World Peace Day) celebrated annually on September 21 is devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace, both within and among all nations and peoples. At a time when war and violence often monopolize our news cycles, the International Day of Peace is an inspiring reminder of what we can create together. Peace. Let’s give it a chance!

When is International Day of Peace 2025?

International Day of Peace is celebrated around the world on September 21.

History of International Day of Peace

In 1981, the United Nations General Assembly declared the third Tuesday of September as International Day of Peace. This day coincided with the opening day of the annual sessions of the General Assembly. The purpose of the day was and still remains, to strengthen the ideals of peace around the world.

Two decades after establishing this day of observance, in 2001, the assembly moved the date to be observed annually on September 21. So, beginning in 2002, September 21 marks not only a time to discuss how to promote and maintain peace among all peoples but also a 24-hour period of global ceasefire and non-violence for groups in active combat.

Peace is possible. Throughout history, most societies have lived in peace most of the time. Today, we are much less likely to die in war than our parents or grandparents. Since the establishment of the United Nations and the creation of the Charter of the United Nations, governments are obligated not to use force against others unless they are acting in self-defense or have been authorized by the UN Security Council to proceed.

Life is better in a world where peace exists and, today, we look to those who have been peacemakers and peacekeepers to learn what we can each do individually to make the world a more peaceful place.

International Day of Peace timeline

989 & 1027 AD
First known Peace Movements

The first recorded peace movements were the Peace of God (989 AD) and Truce of God (1027 AD) brought about from the desire to curb violence by limiting the days and times nobility could practice violence.

Nobel Peace Prize awarded

The first Nobel Peace Prize was awarded in 1901 “to the person who shall have done the most or the best work for fraternity between nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses".

A Bed-In for Peace

John Lennon and Yoko Ono spent 8 days in bed to promote world peace; the song Give Peace a Chance was recorded during this eight-day period.

Peaceful Iceland

Iceland was ranked the most peaceful country in the world in 2008, according to the Global Peace Index, and they hold that title still today.

Traditions of the Day

The International Day of Peace was established by the United Nations General Assembly for strengthening the standards of peace. The day is devoted to observing 24 hours of cease-fire and non-violence.

It is more important than ever today to promote peace and open-mindedness for acceptance across gender, race, and territories. Individuals and organizations around the world participate in activities and host events centered on a set theme for the year. Activities vary from private events to public ceremonies, festivals, and concerts sending the message of peace to large audiences.

Educational institutes also take the lead, arranging art exhibitions and lessons for students to discuss how different cultures celebrate peace and to learn about conflict and wars in history so that mistakes are not repeated. On an individual level, people take part in activities like planting trees or setting caged animals free, as every little act helps in spreading the message of peace and love.

By The Numbers

$13.6 trillion – the economic cost of violence in 2015.

9,800 – the number of terrorism websites containing violent material by September 2015.

13% – the percentage of women negotiators between 1992 and 2019. 

6% – the percentage of women signatories in major peace processes worldwide between 1992 and 2019.

11% – the percentage of ceasefire agreements between 2015 and 2019, which included gender provisions.

15.9 million – the estimated number of people in Yemen’s population hit by the world’s worst food crisis.

135 million – the number of people in 2019 living with acute hunger.

60% – the percentage of people struck with acute hunger living in conflict countries.

88 – the number of countries that had national action plans on women, peace, and security by October 2020.

417 – the number of policy measures enacted by national governments in response to the COVID-19 crisis.

408 million – the estimated number of youth living in areas of armed conflict in 2016.

International Day of Peace FAQs

Why is International Day of Peace celebrated?

We celebrate to recognize the efforts of those who have and are continuing to work hard to end conflict and promote peace. 

Who created the International Day of Peace?

The United Nations created the International Day of Peace to create awareness and promote the ideals of peace. 



How do we celebrate Peace Day?

Celebrate however you see fit, so long as it is peaceful! There is a minute silence at midday which creates a “peace wave” across the planet, observing this is a good start.

How to Observe International Day of Peace

  1. Observe the global “Minute of Silence”

    In 1984, the Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Pathways to Peace inaugurated the Minute of Silence. At noon in each time zone, this observance of silence creates a “Peace Wave” around the world. Individuals, organizations, communities, and nations are invited to participate in this shared and practical act of peace-building.

  2. Host a global peace feast

    Bring people together with a 'global' potluck, encouraging your friends and neighbors to share a unique dish from various countries or cultures. Breaking bread together is one of the oldest yet most effective ways to bring peace into your life. Interfaith and intercultural discussions can make the evening even richer.

  3. Foster peace through education

    Let peace begin at home with you and your family. Teach your children key concepts that promote peace such as conflict-resolution, peaceful dialogue, consensus-building, and the choice of non-violence.

5 Factors That Promote A Culture Of Peace

  1. ​Seek to understand

    Around the world, we are more alike than different; seek common ground, understand and value the differences you find in the people you meet and cultures you experience different from your own.

  2. ​Promote economic and social stability

    Eliminating poverty, food insecurity, and social injustice leads to a stronger culture of peace because it removes common causes of unrest and violence.

  3. ​Respect all human rights

    ​At the core of peaceful relations is the belief that all humans are valuable - no one group being better than another; see how you can contribute to this understanding in your sphere of influence.

  4. ​Advocate for equality

    Support the advancement of women in society through political and economic initiatives; actively oppose violence against women and girls in your community and promote the elimination of discrimination in the workplace.

  5. Choose democratic principles

    ​Encourage the democratic participation of all peoples in your community so that every voice is heard in civic decision-making and corruption in political leadership and operations is eliminated.


  1. It connects us to each other

    Nations and communities around the world struggle with poverty and disease, education, and healthcare. The International Day of Peace reminds us that regardless of where we come from or what languages we speak, we are more alike than we are different.

  2. It reminds us to believe in something bigger than ourselves

    We can get caught up in the day-to-day of work and family. But sometimes, it's healthy to reflect on how communities and nations need to get outside our comfort zones. We can have peace when we make an effort to see someone else's perspective or, put another way, to "walk a mile in their shoes."

  3. It demonstrates that small actions can make big impacts

    We can all contribute to the worldwide culture of peace be that through prayer, advocacy, education, and respecting others. If each of us did one small thing to bring about peace, even each week, think of the global impact this would have!

International Day of Peace dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 21 Sunday
2026 September 21 Monday
2027 September 21 Tuesday
2028 September 21 Thursday
2029 September 21 Friday

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Here are some special hashtags for the day.

#InternationalDayOfPeace #PeaceForAll #PeaceOnYou #PeaceDay #SpreadPeaceNotWar #LoveAndPeace #WeComeInPeace