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System Administrator Appreciation Day
FriJul 25

System Administrator Appreciation Day – July 25, 2025

The System Administrator Appreciation Day on the last Friday of July, on July 25 this year, celebrates the professionals who are working around the clock in order to keep our virtual world running. System administrators are people who take care of installing and troubleshooting anything and everything related to I.T. They also keep up with the regular technological advancements, upgrading all devices accordingly. These I.T. professionals, having learned from experience, allow companies, both small and big, to reach out to their target audiences without any technical issues. This is why the job of a system administrator is indispensable. You can show your appreciation for the I.T. professionals by throwing them a party and/or doing their bidding for a day.

History of System Administrator Appreciation Day

The first System Administrator Appreciation Day was held by Ted Kekatos in 2000. Kekatos, being a system administrator himself, had a slew of Hewlett-Packard (HP) printers installed into his office. Kekatos had watched an HP advertisement about these printers, with the system administrator in the ad being showered with appreciation, flowers, and gifts by the rest of the office workers. Knowing the hard work and dedication that goes into his job as a system administrator, Kekatos decided to create a special day on which system administrators all over the country and the world can enjoy a day of being recognized. He declared the last Friday of July as System Administrator Appreciation Day. He has also been recorded saying that the day does not have to be filled with grand celebrations. A simple party with cake and ice cream would also suffice.

A system administrator, shortened to sysadmin, is a professional who keeps an eye on the operating systems of computers, servers, and other technological devices. A sysadmin takes care of ensuring that everything is running smoothly in terms of performance, security, and resources while staying within a budget limit. In addition, a sysadmin will also make sure that the users/clients can use the devices without any problems related to upgrading. Sysadmins must, at all times, also be aware of the ins and outs of a device. One of the most important aspects of their job relates to problem-solving. This job tends to require long hours of troubleshooting system malfunctions, many of which are often very complicated. During such times, it is up to the sysadmin to keep their cool while under time constraints and stress. Many companies looking to hire system administrators require people who have a bachelor’s and/or master’s degree in areas like electrical engineering, I.T., and computer science.

System Administrator Appreciation Day timeline

The First ‘Search Engine’ is Created

Paul Otlet creates the idea for the first ‘search engine’ through which people all over the world are able to access information with card catalogs that others have filled in.

‘Memex’ for Early Hyperlinks

Vannevar Bush, a U.S. scientist, develops the ‘memex’ concept whereby people are able to compare side-by-side screens about related subjects.

Attempts to Create Computerized Hyperlinks

Ted Nelson and Douglas Engelbart separately suggest creating computerized versions of hyperlinks for ease of access.

Connecting Globally Through Ethernet

Businesses and offices are now attempting to connect globally using the wireless technology of Ethernet.

System Administrator Appreciation Day FAQs

What does a system administrator do?

A system administrator will solve issues related to the I.T. systems of an organization. They will install and support all servers and devices, including printers, multiple-user computer systems, LANs, and WANs.

What is the next level for a system administrator?

A system administrator can level up by becoming a system architect. Based on a company’s budget, needs, and growth goals, a system architect is typically responsible for planning and composing said company’s I.T. system.

Do system administrators work long hours?

It depends on the situation at the office. Mostly, a system administrator will work the normal 9 to 5 from Monday to Friday. However, if a problem crops up and it requires their full attention, then system administrators will have to stay behind at work until it is solved.

How To Celebrate System Administrator Appreciation Day

  1. Have cake with them

    Celebrate in the style Kekatos would have been proud of. Find out what flavor cake the system administrator in your life likes, and buy that cake for them to celebrate the occasion. While you’re at it, order some ice cream, pizza, and other choice food items to make a party out of it.

  2. Treat them to gifts

    Everyone loves receiving gifts, so get your system administrators gifts, too. It could be something related to their fields, like technological devices or software, or it could be some flowers and a ‘Best System Administrator in the World’ mug.

  3. Express your gratitude verbally

    One of the best ways to show someone your appreciation for them is to tell them. You can say a few words in their honor, or you can prepare a speech to let them know how essential they are for your office’s daily operations. You can also make it fun and quirky by composing an ode or a poem. Get creative.

5 Facts About I.T. That Will Blow Your Mind

  1. Firefox is actually a red panda

    Many people think that the Firefox logo is a fox, but it is, in fact, a red panda.

  2. Google hires goats to eat grass

    Like all cool things Google is famous for, the company is also famous for hiring goats to eat and mow the grass at their Mountain View headquarters.

  3. ‘Robot’ comes from slavery

    The word ‘robot’ has a Czech origin that loosely translates to ‘forced labor.’

  4. Email sent without WWW

    In the 1980s, you could still send an email without using WWW, as the few internet pages available were all numbered, with emails being found on page no. 7776.

  5. Free domains for a while

    When the internet was still new to the public, you could get a domain of your choice, free of cost.

It’s a celebration of system administrators

  1. It’s a celebration of system administrators

    Many times, system administrators have to work long hours, with their work bleeding into after hours and/or on weekends. They also have to be up to date with all workings of the technology that is in their care. This requires extensive research and studies to understand what they are dealing with. Therefore, let’s celebrate system administrators for all their hard work, which keeps us and our work afloat.

  2. It’s a celebration of technology

    Technology has come a long way. From having bulky computers or mobiles to sleek and efficient devices, we have a lot to be thankful for. Our workload may or may not have increased, but the devices have definitely become much more compact and structured, with all our needs sufficiently met.

  3. It’s a celebration of the internet

    The internet is a place in which our entire life exists. If you wish to interact with top business officials or you want to know more about your favorite celebrities, the internet has your back. Running out of groceries or wanting something to pass your time? The internet is the answer.

System Administrator Appreciation Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 July 29 Friday
2023 July 28 Friday
2024 July 26 Friday
2025 July 25 Friday
2026 July 31 Friday