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ThuMar 13

National Coconut Torte Day – March 13, 2025

National Coconut Torte Day is celebrated every year on March 13. It’s a day to celebrate a rich and creamy dessert that has people smacking their lips all over the world. A torte is basically a form of cake without flour. It is a dense, multi-layered cake made with breadcrumb or groundnut base and layered with a heavy helping of cream, jam, buttercream, ganache, or fruit.

History of National Coconut Torte Day

Though the exact origins of National Coconut Torte Day are unknown, the word ‘torte’ is derived from a German word of the same spelling and pronunciation, which translates to ‘cake.’ However, it has also been linked to the Italian word ‘tort,’ which also stands for a round type of cake.

The word ‘coconut’ is derived from the Iberian word ‘El coco,’ which refers to a mythical, hairy monster, which must have been a nod to the coarse hairs outside a coconut. The name is said to have been bestowed by Spanish and Portuguese explorers. However, there has been controversy about the actual origins of the coconut fruit, as some say it originated in South Asia, in the Ganges Delta. Others believe it originated in South America.

The main ingredients required to make a tort are breadcrumbs or nuts, sugar, eggs, and flavoring. Add-ons depend on individual recipes and these may include icing sugar, buttercream, butter, or fruit toppings. There are no limits to the level of creativity used in baking a torte. To begin baking a torte, the oven should be preheated to 350 degrees Fahrenheit. Tortes are usually baked in springform pans, and the average baking time is 35 minutes to an hour.

The torte dessert is mainly a European confection. In Austria, the Sachertorte and Linzer Torte are some of the most famous kinds of torte. In Germany, the Schwarzwälder Kirschtorte literally takes the cake. In Hungary, the multi-layered Dobos torte reigns supreme.

Despite their European origin, tortes are now eaten all over the world.

National Coconut Torte Day timeline

The Pharaoh’s Nut

Resulting from his venture to Egypt, Marco Polo christens coconut ‘the Pharaoh’s nut.’

A 15th Century Illustration

An edition of Dioscorides’ ‘Tractatus De Herbis,’ an illustrated document of medicinal plants, alludes to the existence and value of coconuts.

Coconuts in America

Coconuts become available in America.


A study by the National Geographic Society reveals the Southeast Asian and Indian origin of the coconut tree.

National Coconut Torte Day FAQs

Can coconut tortes be vegetarian?

Almost any meal can be tweaked to suit one’s preferences. Simply substitute the ingredients you’d rather avoid for those that fit into your diet.

What other types of tortes are there?

Types of tortes include chocolate tortes, pecan tortes, brownie tortes, bavarian apple tortes, pumpkin tortes, e.t.c. Your imagination is the limit!

Why do coconuts have three holes?

The three holes or eyes on coconuts are pores for germination. This is the point from where seedlings emerge.

National Coconut Torte Day Activities

  1. Bake a coconut torte

    Whether you’re a master chef or a cooking amateur, celebrate this day by baking a coconut torte yourself. Look up some fun recipes and put on those oven mitts!

  2. Buy a torte

    If you don’t have the time or inclination to make a torte, no problem! Visit a bakery and treat yourself to a delicious slice of coconutty goodness.

  3. Share a torte

    Don’t enjoy this treat all by yourself! Increase the fun by meeting up with some friends or family members and eating a torte together.

5 Important Facts About Differences Between Cakes And Tortes

  1. Tortes are cakes

    All tortes are cakes, but not all cakes are tortes

  2. Flour base

    Though cakes are usually made with the main ingredient of flour, tortes usually don’t contain flour.

  3. Height

    Tortes are much shorter than cakes because they have much thinner layers.

  4. Texture

    The texture of both desserts are also different as tortes are typically heavier and denser than cakes.

  5. Style

    Tortes are more elaborately decorated than cakes as they may be covered in frosting, nuts, and fruits.

Why We Love National Coconut Torte Day

  1. Creamy goodness

    Who doesn’t love coconuts and dessert? Combining these two crowd favorites is a recipe for delicious dining!

  2. A healthy treat

    Coconut is well-known for its nutrients, such as vitamin B6, zinc, calcium, phosphorus, and iron. Indulge your sweet cravings while eating healthy.

  3. A culinary celebration

    This day is a pointer to all the wonderful culinary delights in the world and a reminder that there’s much more to explore. It’s not just a celebration of coconut tortes but is also a nod to the act and art of baking.

National Coconut Torte Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 March 13 Thursday
2026 March 13 Friday
2027 March 13 Saturday
2028 March 13 Monday
2029 March 13 Tuesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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