August31–September 5

Legacy Week – August 31-September 5, 2025

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Legacy Week is celebrated every last week of August to the first Saturday of September and this year it will be marked from August 31 to September 5. It is a week in Australia dedicated to raising funds for the defense officers who lost their lives or health in service to the nation. Major-General Sir John Gellibrand founded the Remembrance Club in Hobart in 1923. Inspired Lieutenant-General Sir Stanley Savige started a similar club and called it Legacy. The primary objective of the organization is to help the widows and children of Australian defense officers who lost their lives and/or health. Australia has supported the allied military through various wars like the world wars, the Vietnam War, the Gulf War, e.t.c.

History of Legacy Week

The Australian Commonwealth Military Forces came into being with 28,923 colonial soldiers. Australian forces showed courage, valor, and strength in the wars to come that shook the entire world. They supported Allied powers wherever they could without hesitation. But the war brought casualties to Australia as well. Legacy was founded in 1923 by Major General Sir John Gellibrand to assist the families of armed forces personnel who lost loved ones in the war and assist defense officers who lost their health. The organization extended its helping hand to help those defense officers suffering from P.T.S.D. from experiencing the violence of the wars.

Legacies work through volunteers who are called Legatees. Currently, legatees assist more than 40,000 widows, 1,800 children, and disabled dependents. Legacy provides them with assistance, accommodation, and medical and social support free of cost. Legacy’s assistance also depends on the situation of the person being supported. Legatees stay in touch with all families, and Legacy ensures they receive proper Legacy entitlements and access to government benefits they deserve.

The Legacy started with the idea that the returned servicemen would take on the duty of supporting the widows and children. In 1942, the war orphans appeal started to raise funds for the widows and children of Australian soldiers who lost their lives. Today, that appeal is known as Legacy Week. Legacy raises funds through sales of merchandise like badges. Children who volunteer are the primary source of salespeople for the Legacy. They also use special events, sponsorships, dinners, banquets, and other events to raise funds for the organization.

Legacy Week timeline

The Formation of Legacy

Captain Stanley Savige starts Legacy in Melbourne.

The Second World War

Legacy raises funds to help widows and orphans of soldiers dying at war.

The Seven-Cent Commemorative Stamp

The Australian post office issues a seven-cent stamp to commemorate the Legacy’s 50 years.

The Post Traumatic Stress Disorder

Legacy supports families suffering from the effects of PTSD and other mental health conditions.

Legacy Week FAQs

What is the role of Legacy?

Legacy is a program that aims to provide support and security to older widows and help them have a full life despite their loss.

Who is eligible for Legacy?

All dependents of deceased military service personnel are entitled to the benefits of Legacy.

How many Australian soldiers died in the First World war?

According to Australian War Memorial records, over 60,000 were killed and 156,000 wounded or taken prisoner.

How to Observe Legacy Week

  1. Meet a veteran

    Understanding the condition of soldiers during a war is very important. Use this day to meet a veteran and help him raise funds for Legacy week all the while learning from his experience.

  2. Help a child

    This day is all about helping the victims of war. Try to find a child and support his education however possible for you.

  3. Create a service group

    Create a group of friends who are into social services. Collect the data of dependents of soldiers, in your area, who died during duty. Raise a fund for such

5 Facts About World War II Deaths

  1. Soviet death rates

    Only 20% of the men born in the Soviet Union in 1923 survived the Second World War.

  2. There were boats of death

    Three out of every four men serving on U-boats never survived the war.

  3. Animal deaths

    The first bomb raid in Berlin killed the only elephant baby in the Berlin Zoo.

  4. Nukes to Tokyo

    The third atomic bomb, if necessary, would have been dropped in Tokyo.

  5. Crewmen deaths

    Over 100,000 crewmen of Allied bombers were killed over Europe.

Why Legacy Week is Important

  1. A week to help our heroes

    Soldiers are national heroes who sacrificed their lives for the nation. We love to spend a week helping their families have better life.

  2. Understand the stories of war

    The new generation knows little about the plights of wars. This week can help shed some light on the sorrows and destruction caused by wars.

  3. Create new bonds

    By helping someone we do not know, we get a chance to connect with them and understand their life. New bonds are formed and that is beautiful.

Legacy Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 August 28 Sunday
2023 August 27 Sunday
2024 September 1 Sunday
2025 August 31 Sunday
2026 August 30 Sunday