Innergize Day
TueSep 23

Innergize Day – September 23, 2025

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With all the baggage life gives us sometimes, we all need time to cool off to focus on ourselves, and Innergize Day, which occurs on the day after the autumnal equinox, on September 23 this year, gives us the perfect chance to do so. If you never have time to relax and rejuvenate, you have no excuse on a day that was created just for that. Today is the best time to do whatever gives you peace and makes your soul smile.

History of Innergize Day

The world we live in is so fast-paced, and we often get wrapped up in our busy schedules and unchecked to-do lists, that we forget to take some time out for our peace of mind. Innergize day is the perfect opportunity to relax and forget your troubles, if only for a day. This is the best time to have some self-reflection, and just do whatever makes you genuinely happy.

Innergize Day sets itself up nicely, right on the day after autumn begins, falling on September 23 this year. The autumn season transitions us smoothly from the hot summer air to the cool winter nights and provides a nice balance between the two. Known as fall in North American English, this season is the time of tranquil sunsets, cool weather, and rebirth. This also applies to Innergize day which provides a time to rest, and look inwards for a renewal of the mind, body, spirit, and soul.

The day was created by Michelle Porchia of Inner Dimensions. Michelle is a life coach, consultant, speaker, and trainer, who has developed and produced seminars, conducted workshops, and interacted with people in both the public and private sectors for over 25 years. She founded Inner Dimensions LLC, to tap into the inner strengths of each individual, through coaching and training.

Do not waste the day doing something that does not make you feel your best. It’s all about you, so make sure you indulge in things that you ordinarily never have enough time for but would love if you had more room for in your busy schedule.

Innergize Day timeline

1500 B.C.
The First Path To Enlightenment

The first record of Vendatism is written, a school of philosophy and one of the earliest known Indian paths for spiritual enlightenment.

Sitting Meditation

Instructions for Zazen, sitting meditation, is written and is conceived by a community of monks primarily focused on Zazen.

Meditation Goes West

The World Parliament of Religions is held and is the landmark event that increases Western awareness of meditation.

The Rise of Secular Meditation

Secular meditation is introduced in India as a modern form of Hindu meditative techniques.

Innergize Day FAQs

What is Innergize Day?

Innergize Day is the day after Autumn begins, and gives us the opportunity to take out time for ourselves, sit back, relax, rejuvenate, and self-reflect.

Who made Innergize Day?

Innergize Day was created by Michelle Porchia of Inner Dimensions LLC.

What can I do on Innergize Day?

Whatever makes you feel good! Focus on a hobby or craft, take a nice walk, listen to some music, or get a massage. Whatever makes you look inward, relax, and have peace of mind, is exactly what the day is for.

How to Observe Innergize Day

  1. Focus on a hobby

    Put some attention on activities you would usually do in your leisure time for pleasure. We all have different hobbies, so whether it's catching up on your favorite author, or painting, or dancing, just make sure you pick one or all of them to do today.

  2. Meditate

    Today provides the chance to tune out the digital, turn off work reminders, breathe, and self-reflect. Meditation gives us an open door to our mind’s eye and self-reflection. If this is an activity you wish you had more spare time for, today will be the best time you can possibly get, and if you have never practiced meditation, today will be the best day to try it out.

  3. Go for a long walk

    Watch the beautiful autumn sunset while going on a long refreshing walk. Let the cool wind ease your tension and provide some peace of mind. Walks are a great time to reflect, and are not only good for the mind but also the body.

5 Facts About Meditation You Wish You Knew Sooner

  1. It makes you remember better

    Several studies have shown that consistent meditation can lead to increased cortical thickness in the brain and increased grey matter in the hippocampus, which plays a huge role in memory and learning.

  2. It reduces blood pressure and stress

    Meditation leads to relaxation, which spurs the production of nitric oxide in the brain and reduces blood pressure and the production of cytokines, which in turn reduces stress.

  3. It’s more effective than morphine

    Research done by Wake Forest Baptist University found that meditation has the power to decrease the intensity of pain by 40% and the general unpleasantness of pain by a whopping 57%, while morphine and similar painkillers reduce pain by only about 25%.

  4. Consistency is key

    The author of “Urban Monk: Eastern Wisdom and Modern Hacks to Stop Time and Find Success, Happiness, and Peace” says being consistent with short bursts of meditation is far more effective than inconsistent longer periods of time meditating, and it only takes about 10 to 20 minutes a day for you to start noticing differences.

  5. It helps overcome addictions

    Several studies have found that meditation plays an important role in encouraging people to quit their addictions.

Why We Love Innergize Day

  1. Mental and emotional health are important

    Innergize day sheds light on the importance of mental stability and health. With the chaos of busy schedules, a lot of people develop mental or emotional problems such as depression, anxiety, or just general stress. This day gives us an opportunity to step back and get our mental and emotional health statuses looking and feeling better.

  2. Me time is the best time

    There is no such thing as too much personal time, but unfortunately a thing as too little personal time. We often find ourselves stuck in the latter, and not being able to find a way out most times. Innergize day is dedicated to making yourself feel good, so take full advantage and enjoy some quality “you time.”

  3. Extra day off

    As humans, we barely get enough days off as it is. Be it work schedules, or kids, bill payments, there is usually always something keeping us busy and less focused on ourselves. Innergize Day is like the extra day off you were never expecting, so take full advantage of it and live your best life for a day.

Innergize Day dates

Year Date Day
2022 September 24 Saturday
2023 September 24 Sunday
2024 September 23 Monday
2025 September 23 Tuesday
2026 September 24 Thursday