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TueSep 23

Seed Gathering Season – September 23, 2025

Participating in the Seed Gathering Season, celebrated from September 23 to October 23, should be at the top of your to-do list this autumn. And, oddly, all you have to do on during this holiday is take a walk along your favorite tree path, identify your favorite trees, and possibly bring a seed or two to plant in other places where you want your favorite tree to grow. While these activities sound like a lot of fun, their significance in terms of global ecosystem preservation cannot be overstated. The National Tree Council (N.T.C.) designated this season to stimulate and teach individuals how to harvest trees to conserve existing trees and replenish the population of native trees.

History of Seed Gathering Season

Although the U.K. is well-known for its lush trees and attractive foliage, this was not always the case. After the Second World War ended in the mid-20th century, environmental preservation discussions regained traction. However, it wasn’t until the early 1970s that a National Tree Council was formed to explore methods of maintaining and replenishing depleting vegetation.

Even the Tree Council, however, could not have predicted the devastating storms of 1987 and 1990. The Great Storm of 1987, which occurred on the nights of October 15 and 16, 1987, was a strong extratropical storm that caused significant casualties across England, France, and the Channel Islands, as well as the destruction of nearly 15 million trees!

It was followed a few years later by the Burns’ Day Storm of 1990, which was not as severe in terms of trees destroyed but still caused widespread devastation.

Meanwhile, Dutch Elm disease — a plant disease that causes wilt and death in all species of elm trees — continued to infect and kill native elm trees throughout the 20th century, accounting for the loss of nearly 30 million native trees.

However, as soon as the N.T.C. was founded, it began executing plans and efforts to catch up with the increasing deforestation for agriculture and urban expansion. The Seed Gathering Season is one of its major campaigns. The month-long event provides the ideal setting for inspiring citizens to not just collect seeds, fruits, and nuts to cultivate the trees of the future, but also to engage children and inspire the next generation of tree enthusiasts.

Seed Gathering Season timeline

An Establishment

The National Tree Council is set up to improve the environment by guiding and encouraging citizens to plant more trees.

The Great Storm

Over 15 million trees are destroyed by an extratropical cyclone that ravages various parts of England, France, and the Channel Islands.

Burns’ Day Storm

The Burns' Day storm hits the United Kingdom in January, less than three years later, and with comparable intensity.

A New World Record for Trees

Over 350 million trees are planted to counter deforestation effects in Ethiopia.

Seed Gathering Season FAQs

What trees produce the most seeds?

Ailanthus tree.

What is the fastest growing tree in the world?

The Empress Splendor reaches maturity within 10 years and can grow 10 to 20 feet in its first year.

How long do tree seeds last?

Depending on the plant species and storage conditions, tree seeds may last two to five years.

Seed Gathering Season Activities

  1. Gather some seeds

    Since the main aim of Seed Gathering Season is to encourage more people to become aware of the value of trees, it’s the perfect time to show off your knowledge of your favorite trees by gathering their seeds. Look around for the trees you fancy and gather their seeds or nuts for preservation or replanting.

  2. Learn how to grow trees

    Attend a seed gathering event and learn how to grow trees from seeds from experts and tree gardeners. As more people learn how to take on tree building projects, more tree building projects can easily spring up, which in turn ensures the culture of tree planting continues.

  3. Go on walks

    Take walks during Seed Gathering Season and enjoy the beautiful scenery of neatly-tucked hedgerows and orchards lining the street. Appreciating the visual aesthetics of the environment is a pretty good way to lift a damp mood and raise your spirits.

5 Intriguing Facts About Trees

  1. Natural air conditioners

    Trees lower air temperature by evaporating water in their leaves.

  2. Sound barriers

    Trees reduce noise pollution by acting as sound barriers.

  3. Harmful though dead

    The death of one 70-year-old tree would release over three tons of carbon into the atmosphere.

  4. Long life span

    On earth, trees are the longest-living organisms.

  5. Fresh oxygen suppliers

    One tree gives nearly 260 pounds of oxygen yearly.

Why We Love Seed Gathering Season

  1. It promotes environmental conservation

    From planting projects to various partnerships with volunteers and sponsors, Seed Gathering Season creates an opportunity for experts and tree gardeners to teach others about the best tree planting methods. It also makes it easy for local planting projects to get access to funds and resources needed to grow healthy, happy treescapes.

  2. It is a very exciting activity

    With the aid of the National Schools Programme, kids learn about tree planting and embark on various projects where they gain practical knowledge and are taught how to plant seeds on their own. Teaching kids about their local trees and the best way to care for them not only turns them into tree enthusiasts but also ensures that the culture of environmental care is passed down to the next generation

  3. Prevents the extinction of native trees

    The idea that seeds collected from local trees are adapted to local circumstances is a major reason why the N.T.C. encourages the deliberate gathering and planting of seeds. With more trees being needed for commercial purposes, the ones being planted must be given the right environmental factors necessary for adequate growth.

Seed Gathering Season dates

Year Date Day
2025 September 23 Tuesday
2026 September 23 Wednesday
2027 September 23 Thursday
2028 September 23 Saturday
2029 September 23 Sunday