ThuMay 15

HG Awareness Day – May 15, 2025

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HG Awareness Day is observed annually on May 15 to increase awareness of the pregnancy complication hyperemesis gravidarum. Hyperemesis gravidarum (H.G.) is a misunderstood condition that’s often confused with morning sickness. H.G. symptoms, which are nausea and vomiting, are more severe than morning sickness that can lead to dehydration and weight loss. H.G. is potentially life-threatening, and it affects 1% of pregnancies. Besides increasing understanding of this pregnancy complication, H.G. Awareness Day aims to build a broader community for H.G. survivors.

History of HG Awareness Day

HG Awareness Day was first held by the HER Foundation on May 15, 2012. The HER Foundation is a nonprofit charity established in 2003 by Kimber Wakefield MacGibbon, Ann Marie King, and Jeremy King — both MacGibbon and Marie are H.G. survivors. It was in 2000 when MacGibbon put the first comprehensive site about HG online, dedicated to helping women suffering from H.G. and those who have survived it. The HER Foundation is the leading website for H.G. information. The HER Foundation provides support, advocacy, research, and education to all women who are suffering from H.G.

Hyperemesis gravidarum is said to be the leading cause of hospitalization in early pregnancy. It is defined as a potentially life-threatening pregnancy complication. Often confused with morning sickness, H.G. symptoms include more severe nausea and vomiting. H.G. may also cause dehydration, weight loss, malnutrition, and even long-term health issues for mothers and babies. If given early medical care to manage the symptoms and minimize nutritional deficiencies, there is a high chance for both the mother and the baby to be healthier. If not, H.G. can lead to premature labor.

There are initial signs that a woman is developing H.G. They commonly include weight loss of two pounds weekly; recurrent ketosis; frequent and/or severe nausea and/or vomiting; dehydration; severe fatigue; and inability to work. The most effective treatments for H.G. are nutritional therapy, I.V. fluids, bed rest, and medications. Since each woman responds differently to treatments, multiple medications may be needed. The recovery from H.G. takes an average of four to six months. But it may take a few years if the H.G. was severe and prolonged due to malnutrition.

HG Awareness Day timeline

MacGibbon, H.G. Survivor

Kimber Wakefield MacGibbon survives hyperemesis gravidarum twice.

The Beginning

Kimber Wakefield MacGibbon puts the first comprehensive site about H.G. online.

Ann, H.G. Survivor

Ann Marie King suffers from severe hyperemesis gravidarum.

HER Foundation

The HER Foundation is established as a nonprofit charity.

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness Day

Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness Day is first held on May 15.

HG Awareness Day FAQs

Is hyperemesis gravidarum more common with a boy or a girl?

According to studies, women with hyperemesis gravidarum are more likely to give birth to girls.

Why is the eighth month of pregnancy crucial?

This final term of pregnancy is for the full development of the baby’s brain and other vital organs, including the heart, eyes, lungs, kidneys, immune system, and intestinal system.

Will I always have hyperemesis gravidarum with every pregnancy?

More than 75% of women have hyperemesis gravidarum with every pregnancy.

How to Observe HG Awareness Day

  1. Spread the news

    Share the news about Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness Day so that more can learn about H.G. The information about H.G. will be useful in case a family member or a friend experiences H.G. during their pregnancy.

  2. Share your story

    If you are a survivor of H.G., today’s for you to share your story with other H.G. survivors. Check out the HER Foundation website to get involved.

  3. Support the foundation

    The HER Foundation is a nonprofit charity dedicated to helping women suffering from H.G. and those who survived it. You may want to donate through this foundation as a contribution to help the mothers suffering from H.G.

5 Facts About Hyperemesis Gravidarum That You Need To Know

  1. It’s more common in first pregnancies

    H.G. is more common in first pregnancies, and the risk of H.G. may decrease after age 35.

  2. More severe H.G. can lead to death

    More severe H.G. in women can lead to pneumothorax, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, or even death.

  3. Risk of developmental disorders for H.G. babies

    If H.G. mothers are not treated effectively, there is a 3.6-fold increased risk of emotional or behavioral disorders and autism for the babies.

  4. 18% of H.G. mothers have P.T.S.S.

    18% of women with H.G. are said to report full criteria of post-traumatic stress syndrome (P.T.S.S.).

  5. It can lead to miscarriage

    Women with H.G. have a 33% risk of miscarriage.

Why HG Awareness Day is Important

  1. It raises awareness

    H.G. is often confused with morning sickness. So, Hyperemesis Gravidarum Awareness Day is a chance to raise awareness of H.G., its symptoms, and its treatments.

  2. Women supporting women

    The co-founders of the HER Foundation are both H.G. survivors. The day is the right moment for all H.G. survivors to share their experiences so that women can support others who are facing H.G.

  3. H.G. is serious

    H.G. can lead to serious problems and even death. More people must know about H.G. so that pregnant women suffering from it can be treated immediately and adequately to prevent them from developing more severe H.G.

HG Awareness Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 May 15 Thursday
2026 May 15 Friday
2027 May 15 Saturday
2028 May 15 Monday
2029 May 15 Tuesday