
Great British Pea Week – July 7-13, 2025

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Great British Pea Week takes place from July 7 to 13 this year. When you were a kid, your parents probably told you that you couldn’t leave the table until you had eaten all of the peas. They belonged to the green veggie gang, which most kids loathe! However, as we get older, we understand how great this substance is. What would classic fish and chips be without some mushy peas on the side? We’ve also seen peas utilized in fine dining meals, such as scallops with pea puree! If you enjoy this small green vegetable. It aims to raise knowledge and understanding of peas’ origins and heritage, offering British customers a reason to appreciate the little green nutritional miracles throughout the harvesting season.

History of Great British Pea Week

The pea is the little spherical seed-pod or seed of the pod fruit Pisum sativum. Each pod contains several yellow or green peas. Pea pods are botanically classified as fruit since they contain seeds and emerge from the ovaries of a (pea) flower.

Great British Pea Week strives to raise awareness and understanding about the origin and provenance of peas, giving everyone a chance to appreciate the little green nutritional miracles! The pea-vining business and the Yes Peas! Campaign organized the celebration.

The Yes Peas! campaign is administered by the British Growers Association and is funded by machinery firms, freezers, and vining pea growers. The campaign aims to promote the nutritional benefits, origins, and diversity of frozen peas by engaging customers and inspiring them to incorporate peas into their diets. Rachel Green, a T.V. chef, has backed the campaign, which includes hundreds of her recipes.

Peas were originally produced primarily for their dried seeds. Theophrastus addresses this vegetable in the early 3rd century B.C. as one of the legumes that are sown later in the winter due to their softness. Peas are also mentioned in Columella’s “De re rustica” from the 1st century A.D.

Wild peas were harvested by Roman legionaries from the sandy soils of Judea and Numidia to augment their diets at this time. Throughout the Middle Ages, field peas were frequently referenced. They were a key commodity that kept starvation at bay at the time. This small element has played an important role in many different times of history. In fact, eating green peas fresh and immature was considered an inventive luxury in Early Modern Europe.

Great British Pea Week timeline

3000 B.C.
Peas are legumes

Theophrastus includes peas among the legumes that are sown late in the winter.

Peas are Introduced in France

In January, green peas are brought to the court of Louis XIV of France from Genoa.

Pea Production Increases

In the United States, roughly 300,000 acres of field peas are farmed.

A Favorite Dish

According to a poll of more than 2,000 people, peas are Britain's eighth favorite culinary vegetable.

Great British Pea Week FAQs

Is a pea the same as a bean?

A pea is technically a member of the bean family, but it refers to the seed of a plant in the Pisum sativum family.

Where are the majority of peas cultivated in the United Kingdom?

The east coast of the United Kingdom has a marine climate that, when paired with the soil and planting conditions, creates the ideal environment for cultivating high-quality peas. From Suffolk to Dundee, the East of Britain is home to around 700 pea growers and farmers.

How are peas harvested?

Harvesting machinery, known as pea viners, works in tandem to harvest, shell, and transport peas from field to frozen as rapidly as possible, with the majority completing the task in only 150 minutes, ensuring that the freshness and nutrition of each pea is locked in.

Great British Pea Week Activities

  1. Grow your peas

    Growing your own peas is one of the finest orders for a week-long holiday. After all, nothing beats the amazing flavor and soft texture of freshly harvested homegrown peas.

  2. Experiment with different pea recipes

    There is only one thing more interesting than cultivating your peas: eating them! There are a plethora of delectable recipes available online, so you're sure to find something which appeals to your taste buds.

  3. Participate on social media

    This Great British Pea Week, use the hashtag #PeaWeek and #GBPW to promote pea harvest on social media. On social media, you may discover much more about the pea harvesting procedure.

5 Delectable Facts About Peas

  1. Its beginning

    The term ‘pea’ was previously referred to as 'pease' in English.

  2. The best pea eater

    Eric 'Badlands' Booker owns the pea-eating record, having consumed 9.5 one-pound bowls of peas in 12 minutes.

  3. Peas’ attraction

    Each person in the United Kingdom consumes about 9,000 peas per year on average.

  4. Nutrient-rich

    Peas are rich in vitamin A, C, folate, thiamine (B1), iron, and phosphorus.

  5. The Latin name

    ‘Pisum sativum’ is the Latin word for peas.

Why We Love Great British Pea Week

  1. Love of good food

    Many people around the world enjoy peas. It has moved across continents and through time to reach us in the form of the recipes we love today.

  2. It's a cultural celebration

    The many varieties of peas available now reflect the traditions of various countries. There's something for everyone here, whether you like your pea soup creamy or plain.

  3. It's a celebration of the British culinary experience

    Food not only maintains us but is also a life-changing event that should be savored. At the heart of what makes eating food a delightful experience are the distinct textures and tastes, as well as the wafting fragrances that draw a person towards the dish.

Great British Pea Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 July 4 Monday
2023 July 3 Monday
2024 July 1 Monday
2025 July 7 Monday
2026 July 6 Monday