
Consumer Awareness Week – April 10-16, 2025

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Consumer Awareness Week takes place from April 10 to 16 this year. This day aims to educate buyers and consumers about their basic rights. This includes access to information regarding the goods and products they are purchasing. The sellers are enforced by law to reveal the ingredients they are using in their products, and they also have to follow certain guidelines regarding the quality and standard of the product being sold. If any of the above-stated rules are broken, the seller is answerable to the court of law. Yes, consumers are powerful and many laws have been passed to protect them from being exploited. Are you aware of all your rights? If not, celebrate the week and find out all there is to know.

History of Consumer Awareness Week

Consumer awareness refers to consumers’ understanding of consumer production regulations designed to safeguard their interests. These regulations were created to ensure that businesses manufacture high-quality items that do not endanger the health and safety of their customers. The “Right to Safety,” which protects consumers from products that may hurt their mental or physical health, is one of the consumer awareness rights. The “Right to Information” clause makes it illegal to force a client to choose a product, whilst the “Right to Choose” clause makes it mandatory for the packaging to state the data that should be informed to the consumer.

Consumers can use the “Right to be Heard” to make a complaint about a product that hasn’t met their expectations, and the “Right to Seek Redressal” to have unsatisfactory goods replaced or refunded. Last but not least, the “Right to Consumer Education” ensures that consumers have access to all information and are thoroughly informed about the government’s rights and responsibilities.

An evolution in consumer rights and awareness took place in 1986 with the enactment of the Consumer Protection Act, 1986. With this act, laws were created and implemented by the government for the consumers. John F. Kennedy also gained recognition for his speech against consumer harassment. He also encouraged people to increase awareness of consumer laws including consumer rights, like choice, information, safety, and the right to be heard.

Consumer Awareness Week timeline

19th Century
Increasing Accessibility

A variety of food items become accessible to the masses.

Setting Standards

The International Organization for Standardization (ISI) is established.

Consumers’ Rights

John F. Kennedy gives the modern declaration about consumers’ rights.

The New Guidelines

The United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection (U.N.G.C.P.) are drafted.

Consumer Awareness Week FAQs

What are the responsibilities of consumers?

Consumers must be aware of the products and other innovations in the market.

What are the main points of consumer awareness?

Consumer awareness includes one’s right to be informed about the quality and standard of a product.

What are five consumer responsibilities?

Consumer responsibilities include critical awareness; action; social concern; environmental awareness; and solidarity

How to Observe Consumer Awareness Week

  1. Attend a conference

    Dozens of conferences are held across the country to increase consumer awareness. To be a part of the enlightened lot, sign up for a conference and gather as much information as you can about your rights.

  2. Promote the cause

    Just because you are an aware consumer, does not mean everyone else is too. There are still many individuals who are clueless about their basic rights. Use this week to reach out to people and explain their rights to them.

  3. Create graphics and post them online

    If you are aware of certain consumer rights you believe need to be promoted, start making graphics and illustrations and post them on your social media. This helps in educating people quickly.

5 Facts About Consumer Protection

  1. E.U. legislation on returns

    A customer can return a product 14 days after the delivery.

  2. Replacing products

    A customer can get a product replaced if they are not satisfied with it.

  3. The trader and courier delivery

    The trader is responsible for any product sent by the courier.

  4. The services directive on discrimination

    It is prohibited to refuse service based on the grounds of nationality or place of residence of the recipient.

  5. No dealer/service provider response

    The consumer may approach the District Consumer Protection Council under these circumstances.

Why Consumer Awareness Week is Important

  1. It educates consumers

    Consumers have several rights that they are not aware of, hence, during the week, an extra effort is made to ensure consumers across the country are educated regarding their basic rights for the goods and services they pay for.

  2. It protects consumers

    The awareness week plays the role of protecting consumers by educating them about the regulations a certain company has to follow. An aware consumer can then fight for his or her rights.

  3. Eliminates exploitation of consumers

    When a seller knows the consumers are naive, the probability of fooling the customer for profit increases. Since awareness weeks such as these strengthen the customers, companies pay extra effort in ensuring no rules that can welcome a lawsuit are broken.

Consumer Awareness Week dates

Year Date Day
2022 April 14 Thursday
2023 April 13 Thursday
2024 January 29 Monday
2025 April 10 Thursday
2026 April 9 Thursday