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Be An Angel Day
FriAug 22

Be An Angel Day – August 22, 2025

Be An Angel Day — observed on August 22 each year, pushes us to become someone’s angel of sorts. Whether it is a grand gesture (sponsoring someone’s education) or small (saying ‘thank you’ when someone helps you), a good gesture goes a long way towards sending goodwill out into the world. By supporting someone in need (or recalling someone who supported you), you celebrate the very essence of this day.

History of Be An Angel Day

Angelic-type beings have always been recognized and immortalized, some say since the dawn of civilization. Many religions believe angels are supernatural beings acting as protectors and messengers, among other roles.

The word ‘angel’ comes from the Latin term ‘angelus,’ meaning ‘messenger of God.’ These beings have taken on many forms in legends of the past, appearing as human-like beings, monsters, and even wheels of fire.

Angels began to be immortalized in art, sculpture, literature, and scripture, and by the 4th century, their wings also made an appearance. European artists were the first to create paintings of such beings, and by the 12th century, this version of angels became wildly popular. However, archaeologists have found altars that were dedicated to winged individuals believed to be angels from before this time. Famous creators like Michelangelo, Bernini, and Shakespeare prominently featured angels in their work.

When British and French troops were wounded on battlefields while fighting the Germans during World War I, both sides gave accounts of seeing angels. The French soldiers reported seeing Michael the Archangel, while the British thought it was Saint George. Both deities are believed to be the same by segments of the population. This mysterious angel was later named Angel of Mons, after the place where both armies reported the appearance. In the modern world, angels are not restricted to spirituality alone; their presence is felt everywhere.

Reverend Jayne Howard Feldman also feels the presence of angels. After all, her website claims that angels inspired her to create this day. She started this day almost 27 years ago to encourage people to commit small acts of kindness, and over the years, the popularity of this day has grown in leaps and bounds.

Be An Angel Day timeline

3000 B.C.
Winged Guardian Angels

Archaeologists find altars to winged guardians in present-day Iraq (once known as Sumeria).

4th Century
Angels get their Wings

European artists start painting angels with wings.

Angel Sculpture

Italian sculptor Michelangelo carves an angel from marble.

Angels on the Battlefield

Wounded WWI soldiers report seeing an angel — later dubbed Angel of Mons for the place he was seen in — walking around the battlefield as they fight the Germans.

Angels in Movies

Angels feature in mainstream movies like “It's a Wonderful Life” and “The Bishop’s Wife.”

August 22, 1993
Our Day is Here!

Reverend Jayne Howard Feldman creates Be An Angel Day.

Be An Angel Day FAQs

Is there a holiday for angels?

Be An Angel Day celebrates that, while we cannot be celestial or divine beings, we can certainly emulate their best qualities right here on earth.

How do you become an angel to someone?

Every person and/or situation is different. Gauge what the other person needs and offer it to them if you can. It can be babysitting their kids, mowing their lawn, offering encouraging words, or simply lending them a shoulder to cry on.

What day is Guardian Angel Day?

Celebrated annually on October 2, Guardian Angel Day marks a celebration for one’s guardian angels.

How To Celebrate Be An Angel Day

  1. Be an angel to someone

    Find various ways to let the people in your life know you see them and appreciate them. Help your folks fix things around the house, show affection to your kids, help your partner around the house, volunteer your time at a retirement home, or simply listen to your coworker who might be having a bad day. Small gestures can go a long way towards making people feel happy.

  2. Let the past go

    Do you have grudges or grievances against someone? Have you still not buried the hatchet with that angry neighbor? Take a minute and forgive. Why not start with our suggestions in Global Forgiveness Day.

  3. Support your furry friends, too

    It's not just humans that need some love and care. Spend quality time with your fur babies, give some time to local animal shelters, and maybe think of giving a furry buddy a new home.

5 Fun Facts About Real-Life Angels

  1. These children are baby angels

    A five-year-old once tied the shoelaces of a little boy she just met, as they were both playing at the recreation area in an IKEA store.

  2. The U.S. marines love their animals

    After their bomb-sniffing black labrador Cena was diagnosed with terminal bone cancer, she was given a full-fledged hero's farewell, with thousands of her 'coworkers' coming to see her off.

  3. The most charitable celebrity

    Oprah Winfrey is widely recognized as being one the topmost charitable celebrities — she has donated millions of dollars and has founded her own charitable foundation.

  4. This family saves all animals

    The Amtes family from India set up a wild animal asylum in their front yard decades ago — they protect the local tribespeople and the fauna alike.

  5. Even a job reference helps

    As his replacement, Michigan resident Jim referred a young man for a job that he knew was struggling financially — the man got the job and it changed his life.

Why We Love Be An Angel Day

  1. Touch someone's life

    Even one small act of kindness can change another person's life. It can influence their moods, their days, and even go so far as to restore their faith in humanity.

  2. We pay a good deed forward

    Even a simple smile can have a ripple effect of happiness and kindness. Many times, good deeds (and actions, and intentions) are carried forward a million times over; their reach knows no bounds.

  3. Trigger your own happiness

    Performing any act of kindness without the expectation of a reciprocal action can make you feel very good about yourself. Science says such actions release feel-good hormones, which means you are in a better state of mind too.

Be An Angel Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 August 22 Friday
2026 August 22 Saturday
2027 August 22 Sunday
2028 August 22 Tuesday
2029 August 22 Wednesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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