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FriAug 22

National Tooth Fairy Day – August 22, 2025

National Tooth Fairy Day on August 22 celebrates the excitement and wonder of kids losing their teeth! National Tooth Fairy Day is a reminder for kids, young and old, to relive the fun of visits from the Tooth Fairy when a newly lost tooth was exchanged for a fun surprise as they looked under their pillow in the morning! 

History of National Tooth Fairy Day

There are three figures that are the pillars of modern mythology for children—Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and the Tooth Fairy. While the first two are well documented and discussed, not much is known about our elusive flying friend. But the Tooth Fairy is quite popular because every night children around the world excitedly anticipate the Tooth Fairy’s arrival after they have lost a tooth. 

The origin of fairies dates back to 13th-century England when they were described for the first time by Gervase of Tilbury. The tradition of a child receiving a gift for a lost tooth can be traced back to medieval Europe. In a collection of writings called the “Eddas” about the Norse and Northern European traditions, there is a reference to a ‘tand fe,’ which directly translates to ‘tooth fee.’ As part of this tradition, children would receive a small fee from their parents when they lost their first tooth. This is because teeth were a symbol of good luck and prosperity. Some Viking warriors would even wear a string of teeth as a necklace during battle to protect them.

The closest counterpart of the modern Tooth Fairy came in the form of an 18th-century French fairytale, “La Bonne Petite Souris” (“The Little Good Mouse”). However, the first written American record of a reference to the ‘Tooth Fairy’ dates back to a 1908 “Chicago Tribune” article in which the author, Lillian Brown, provided parents with a magical suggestion on how to get their children to have their loose milk teeth pulled. That suggestion was, you guessed it, telling their kids that the Tooth Fairy would leave five cents under their pillow for every tooth they lost. In 1927, an eight-page script for a children’s play titled “The Tooth Fairy” was written by Esther Watkins Arnold. The play became widely popular, with schools reenacting it and imaginations being stirred with thoughts of a tooth fairy collecting teeth in exchange for money or presents. Since then, the Tooth Fairy has become a global phenomenon, reportedly paying visits to children in the U.K., Canada, and Australia.

Just like the mystery surrounding the fairy, the origin of the holiday is just as mysterious. Someone somewhere created National Tooth Fairy Day to be celebrated in August but in the lives of children who are losing their baby teeth, the Tooth Fairy is celebrated all year round, as they partake in the enchanting experience of receiving visits and surprises from the Tooth Fairy for every tooth they lose. 

National Tooth Fairy Day timeline

A Tooth Fairy is Born

The earliest reference to the Tooth Fairy appears in a "Chicago Daily Tribune" Household Hints column.

Fairies as Advocates of Health Education

Fairies are used to encourage kids to eat their vegetables, go to sleep on time, and clean their teeth.

Tooth Fairy Toothpaste

An advertisement for Fairy Wand Tooth Whitener uses an image of the Tooth Fairy.

The Tooth Fairy Takes the Stage

Watkins Arnold’s 1927 play for children, “The Tooth Fairy,” debuts.

Peppa Tooth Fairy

The popular children’s cartoon “Peppa Pig” features the Tooth Fairy in one of its episodes.

The Tooth Fairy on the Silver Screen

“The Tooth Fairy” movie debuts, starring Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson and Julie Andrews as the titular characters.

National Today Celebrates

The company, The Tooth Fairy, sponsors National Tooth Fairy Day and the first celebration takes place. Want to be a sponsor: learn how.

National Tooth Fairy Day FAQs

Why are there two Tooth Fairy Days?

Having two Tooth Fairy Days six months apart reminds parents that children should visit a dentist every six months.

At what age does the Tooth Fairy stop visiting?

The Tooth Fairy stops visiting a child once they have lost all their baby teeth. Children start losing their baby teeth from the ages of four to eight, and this continues until they are between nine and 12 years old.

What does the Tooth Fairy leave money?

The money is left as a reward for children who lose their baby teeth and place them under their pillows.

National Tooth Fairy Day Activities

  1. Watch a movie or read a book about Tooth Fairy tales

    There are dozens of books about the Tooth Fairy and other popular fairy tales. Go to your local library and check out a few. Read them with your child or an important kid in your life. There's also the “The Tooth Fairy” movie and its sequel, both great for the whole family!

  2. Prepare for a Tooth Fairy visit

    If your child happens to be close to losing a tooth on National Tooth Fairy Day, help them get ready for a visit! Tell them about the legend of the Tooth Fairy. You can even try the various common tricks to get that tooth to fall out today! And if you succeed, help your child hide the tooth under their pillow for the Tooth Fairy to find and exchange for a small surprise. A hand-written letter from the Tooth Fairy is another great way to get your child excited about the upcoming visit — they’ll be sure to cherish it for years to come.

  3. Take care of your teeth

    This is something most of us should do every day but sometimes we slack off. Let National Tooth Fairy Day inspire you to dig out that floss and brush those teeth until your pearly whites sparkle! This day is also ideal for evaluating the brushing technique of children and assisting them in perfecting it. Make sure your child is brushing their teeth twice a day, for two minutes. All around, inside and out, tops and bottoms—including the biting surfaces!

5 Fun Facts About The Tooth Fairy To Dig Your Teeth Into

  1. The Tooth Fairy collects a lot of teeth

    On average, the Tooth Fairy collects about 300,000 teeth from children every night.

  2. The going rate for teeth

    About 10 years ago, the Tooth Fairy paid around $1 for a tooth, while today, due to inflation, they’re paying up to $5 for a single tooth—on average, however, they leave $3.70 per tooth.

  3. There was a Tooth Fairy Museum

    A professor and expert in the Tooth Fairy, Rosemary Wells, opened the first Tooth Fairy Museum in Deerfield, Illinois, in 1993—it closed down in 2000 after Wells’ death.

  4. Most children believe in the Tooth Fairy

    About 40% to 65% of children believe in the Tooth Fairy, depending on their age.

  5. No one actually knows what the Tooth Fairy looks like

    Unlike Santa Claus, there isn’t a widely-held consensus on the Fairy’s appearance—Dr. Rosemary Wells (widely recognized as America’s foremost Tooth Fairy Expert) conducted a survey in 1984 and found that while 74% of Americans viewed the Tooth Fairy as female, another 12% believed the Tooth Fairy was neither male nor female. The remaining 14% imagined the Tooth Fairy as a bear, a bat, a dragon, and various other characters!

Why We Love National Tooth Fairy Day

  1. Excitement in children

    Children love the excitement of waking up to a gift from a fairy in exchange for a lost tooth. It’s a fun myth for parents as well as children. Participating in the fun and watching the pure joy little kids exude is wonderful. The excitement for both parents and children is akin to waiting for Santa Claus at Christmas and we all love it!

  2. The fun of folklore

    Everybody loves a good story, especially if it's sprinkled with fairy dust. For centuries, fairy stories have enthralled both children and adults around the world.

  3. It shows how resilient and brave kids really are

    From the day they pop their first tooth, to the day they lose their last, a child’s smile goes through SO many changes in the first few years of their lives! Some changes can be physically painful, while others may be figuratively painful as the awkward toothless years create smiles resembling happy little jack-o-lanterns. The idea of the Tooth Fairy celebrates these moments in a fun way by encouraging children to be brave and face the unknown, while never losing their sense of whimsy and imagination—not to mention, discovering something shiny and new under your pillow makes it all worthwhile.

National Tooth Fairy Day dates

Year Date Day
2025 August 22 Friday
2026 August 22 Saturday
2027 August 22 Sunday
2028 August 22 Tuesday
2029 August 22 Wednesday
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

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